Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday September 1st, 2022 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr L. Stocks. Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr S. Greaves,
Also present, Michael Read, Clerk, County Cllr J. Hawkins, District Cllr McKay one member of the public.
1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda
2. Apologies
Cllr T. Green, Cllr. Thompson, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator.
3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated July 7th and the Planning Meeting on August 4th were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising from the meeting July 7th, 2022 not on the agenda;
Response to Potholing Issue and “Maltsters” pothole
The pothole near to the Maltsters continues to cause concern and has been reported to DCC Highways multiple times. Cllr Rogers has spoken to our MP who agreed to contact DCC on our behalf. The Clerk will write again to Anthony Mangall MP to enlist his support.
Repairs to the footpath/cycle path between Sharpham and St Davids
The County Public Rights of Way Officer has confirmed that the road surface between the Church and Sharpham is to be repaired in this Financial year.
Tuckenhay Bus Shelter Roof
The roof is in need of repair. An estimate has been received but the Council considers that the cost is excessive and agreed that the work will be completed by 2/3 Parish Cllrs.
Speeding in Ashprington
Plans are in hand to repeat the “Twenty is Plenty” exercise in September and volunteers are sought to join in. Cllr Throgmorton will write out to councillors nearer the date.
Speeding Workshops
Cllr Throgmorton detailed plans to run speeding workshops once again in the Parish to encourage road users to observe speed limits. These are planned to take place in early October. It is noted that where limits are being broken, van delivery vehicles and West Dart residents are unfortunately involved.
Cemetery Work Party
A work party will be set up for early autumn and Cllr Throgmorton will advise councillors of the date and seek nominations
5. P3 Report
The circular walk in Crownley Woods is once again open following strimming by a contractor.
6. District and County Councillor Reports
County Councillor
Cllr Hawkins reported that finances for the next financial year look very difficult, Road repairs remain a problem. Inflation remains high and could get higher stretching finite resources. Cllr Hawkins reminded the Council that 70% of the budget is spent on Adult and Child services. Ashprington Parish Council voted to apply for the DCC Locality Grant for remedial work to the War Memorial. The report by Williams and Triggs is expected shortly but will be in excess of the £750 to be contributed by DCC.
The order for double yellow lines in Ashprington is approved and should be expedited this financial year.
District Councillor
Cllr McKay has met the developers of the building project at Baltic Wharf, Totnes. and believes they may be receptive to changed plans.
The Community store team at Harbertonford have raised £67.000 so that the project for a Community Shop and Post Office can go ahead hope fully within two months. Speeding signs at Harbertonford on the A381 are to be erected shortly.
7. Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report this month.
8. Planning
2240/22 The Stables, Coombe House. Refurbishment of The Stables. Withdrawn.
9. Correspondence
After a short discussion, the Council voted not to donate to the “Dream-A-Away Charity after a request was received from another parish council.
10. Finance
Treasurers Account -Balance £21,804.03 {31st of August} Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – Outstanding Account for DAAT Mast. -£126.00. Income – None
11. Councillors Areas of Responsibility/Other Business
Small Parish Gritters
The Council has located a temporary “home” in Duncannon Lane. Supplies of road grit for the winter are adequate,
Fly Tipping in Tuckenhay
An unpleasant incident at Tuckenhay has been reported to SHDC and should be cleared shortly.
Roadside Verges
There appears to be more detritus this year. The road sweeper should be due shortly.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm. Next Council meeting will be on Thursday October 6th, 2022 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.
Download the meeting minutes as a Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes September 2022 2022