C/o Mike Read, The Round House, 6 Frogmore Farm, Ashprington, Totnes Tel: 01803 732047 Email:
To members of the Council – You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ashprington Parish Council in the Village Hall on Thursday September 1st. 2022 at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Michael Read- Clerk to the Council.
September 1st, 2022.
1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
2. Apologies. Cllr Thompson, M Pearey, Tree Warden.
3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of July 7th and August 4th 2022.
4. Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda;
* Response to Potholing Issue & “Maltsters” pothole {MR/RR/LS}
* Repairs to the “footpath” Sharpham to St Davids Church. {MR}
* Repairs to Tuckenhay Bus Shelter Roof. {LS}
* Speeding Workshop {KT}
* Cemetery Work Party {KT}
5. P3 Report.
6. District & County Councillors Report.
7. Tree Warden Report
8. Planning.
2240/22 The Stables, Coombe House Refurbishment of The Stables. Withdrawn.
9. Correspondence. Donation Request for “Dream-A-Way”
10. Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £21,804.03 {31st of August} Cemetery Account –
£353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – Outstanding Account for
DAAT Mast. -£126.00. Income – None
11. Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
- Snow Warden – Stocks of salt and storage.
- Fly Tipping {LS}
- Roadside Verges {LS}
Next Meeting – Thursday October 7th 2022 in Ashprington Village Hall @ 7.30pm.
Michael Read, Ashprington Clerk. Tel. 01803 732047
Download the agenda in Microsoft Word format here: PC Agenda September 2022 Final