Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday March 2nd, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr S. Greaves, Cllr.Thompson {Vice Chair}. Cllr T. Green, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Stocks.

Also present: County Cllr J. Hawkins, Michael Read, Clerk. One member of the public.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Cllr Rogers – planning issue.
  2. Apologies District Cllr McKay, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated February 2nd, were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from the meeting of February 2nd, not on the agenda;

War Memorial/Highways Grant

Cllr Greaves gave an update on progress regarding raising funding for the repair of the War Memorial which it is expected will cost over £5000.00. To recap £1000 has been received from DCC via Cllr McKay and £750 by DCC via Cllr Hawkins. Ian Bentlett has also secured funding of £200.00 from Rotary.

Further grant aid has been applied for in particular from the War Memorials Trust. A firm estimate has been received for the memorial itself but a decision on the stone surrounding wall part of the grant is unlikely to be known until June this year. A further estimate is to be sought from a contractor and when a satisfactory quote is available the work will be started on the wall.

The QR coded memorial data is now in place on the memorial and the original “book” will be refurbished and placed in the Church. The Chair and the whole council praised Tony James and Sophie Paterson for their work in completing this project.

An application for funding from DCC Highways, was unsuccessful.

Resurfacing of Road/Footpath/Cycle way, Sharpham gates to St Davids Church

The Clerk reported that the Right of Way Warden, Paul McFadden has confirmed that “SLOW” will be painted on the road surface north of Church Close and the “Junction Ahead” raised to a proper height before the end of March. The road will not need to be closed.

Coronation of King Charles May 2023

The Steering group for the Coronation of King Charles met on the 1st of March to consider what events might be sponsored by the various organisations in the parish and to avoid potential clashes. Cllr Stocks who is the Council lead on the event, detailed several ideas and it looks likely that at least one event will run for every day of the long holiday weekend. The group will meet again on March 22nd to review the program consider how best the events can be delivered.
Parking Issues in Ashprington

A parishioner has complained that considerable difficulties are being experienced by motorists exiting Hill Park in the village due to vehicles blocking access/exit to Hill Park and on to Church Close. The parishioner feels that visibility for vehicles as they attempt to leave Hill Park is often so severely restricted that it makes it difficult if not dangerous to pull out. In addition, several comments supporting this claim have been signed by residents of Orchard Close and Hill Park. The Council discussed this issue at length and there are no easy solutions. The Chair will meet with the petitioner and other parties to discuss how best to ameliorate the problem which has caused concern in the village for many years.

Damaged Wall Near Ash Meadow.

The damaged wall at Ash Meadow has been repaired by Cllr Paterson and Laurence Green. All those present thanked them for their work.

  1. P3 Report.

The annual P3 footpath survey is underway – a small grant will be applied for.

6.District and County Councillor Reports

District Councillor {Not Present}

Cllr McKay reported that he would be prepared to consider finding funds for some signage if thought necessary but application would need to be made very soon. He expressed his concern that more publicity should be given to the need for Photo ID for parishioners who wish to vote at the local elections on May 4th.

County Councillor Report

Cllr Hawkins reported that that DCC are experiencing real problems with the amount of funds it will have available compared to its commitments.

7.Tree Warden Report

Nothing to report this month.

  1. Planning

0273/23/VAR Steps Cottage. Application for Variation of conditions 2 and 9 of planning consent 4528/21/LBC. {March} Support.
4519/22/PDM Mr J. Carnell. Higher Sharpham Barton Farm. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Change of Use of agricultural building to x5 dwelling houses {class C} and associate operation development {Class C – a+b] Prior Approval. Refused SHDC.
4061/22/CLE Painsford Bungalow. Certificate of Lawfulness {Existing} Certified SHDC.

0677/23/TCA Rosewood T1 Cherry – fell to ground level. Support.

  1. Correspondence

A request has been received from the Hedgehog Highway Project to support their work -Sustainable Ashprington have already become involved with the group.

  1. Finance.

Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £22953.93 {31st Jan.} Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved & Payable – Sharpham – £478.10.

  1. Ash Meadow Report

General maintenance is proceeding as planned most recent shredding took place last


Volunteer work parties now held every 2nd Saturday day of the month due to regular absence of some volunteers on first Friday who are on Sharpham duties. Old goal posts now completely removed but stored on site for possible future use to provide support for covers over shredded material.

Ashmeadow sign at top of site has been refurbished by a volunteer. New permanent notice board approach being investigated.

Last meeting of Ash Meadow Committee agreed the following:

Carry forward actions from previous minutes:

  • to investigate possibility of improving bottom gate disabled access. Funding for this event may prove difficult to obtain. (KL)
  • to investigate method for CIC to receive direct donations (BL)
  • Actions Agreed;
  • New entries for improved website prominence for meadow on Parish website have been introduced and look great. Thanks to Sophie for this work
  • Proceeding with plans to build new slope for new long slide beside play hut. First load of topsoil has been delivered and we are arranging for spoil from Nigels build site to be delivered as soon as weather permits to avoid ground damage.
  • Discussions continue with other potential composting sites and IB has been liaising with Marlborough who visited our site at the last work day. It is clear our site is seen as a popular way to go for others.
  • We are concerned that there is no longer any qualified first aiders in the village for village events. It is felt this matter need to be addressed and training organised.
  • Special discussion.

Concern has been expressed via email within committee regarding the safety aspect of new bike track being developed by young people. It was also thought to becoming somewhat untidy.

This was discussed at length with input from every attendee.

Whilst it was agreed that giving the young people within our village the opportunity to use their initiatives in this way was great development for them it also raises challenges and has implications which need to be addressed.

It was initially agreed to place signs stating the committee accepts no responsibility for any damage of injuries caused by the use of our facilities (It is realised that in law these signs carry little weight but do act as a deterrent) These signs are currently being developed and ordered. It was also agreed to discuss the H&S requirements of the bike track with the ROSBRO representative when they next visit the site in March 2023 for the annual inspection. The outcome of this discussion will be the agenda for discussion with the young people and we will be setting boundaries for them to work to. They are aware that concerns have been expressed and are keen to work with us to ensure a satisfactory conclusion.

Future Events;

Tractor fest:

  • Kevan attended the meeting and apart from providing useful input into the discussions generally also explained the plans for the tractor fest to be held later in the year. These were unanimously thought to be a great use of the meadow and would support the aims of the five-year plan.

Easter egg hunt:

  • Stuart will be running a reintroduction of the previously very popular Easter egg hunt for the village between 12.00 and 2.00 pm of Easter Saturday. Great to see this reintroduced.

Firework night:

  • Whilst once again a very popular and enjoyable evening which again made a profit concerns were expressed by Simon regarding the future. This was due to possibly quite serious implications associated with parking and general safety. Agreed to review the requirements which hopefully can be resolved as it would be a real shame not to run it as it is very popular.

Sports day:

No decision yet as to the date for this event. Someone else might need to take on the Chris provided a financial report which is attached to email for your reference. We are in good shape and have more than enough funds for the new slide which hopefully will come In at less than £6000.  IB is however still applying for funding for the full replacement of climbing frame although we have been rejected by two possibilities. IB is also chasing SHDC, with support from Stuart and his council contacts, hopefully to obtain circa £8500 funds, as you have been advised previously, for replacement of equipment and improvements for the composting site.

  • Coronation celebration.
  • We agreed we should support these events which will be the subject of a meeting for the village in the village hall on 1st The now renamed King Crow is certainly one we believe should be run and we would also like to consider a cream tea afternoon in the meadow using the big Marquee we have which has not been used for several years. WI may assist with this.
  • Finance;

Chris provided a financial report which is attached to email for your reference. We are in good shape and have more than enough funds for the new slide which hopefully will come In at less than £6000.  IB is however still applying for funding for the full replacement of climbing frame although we have been rejected by two possibilities. IB is also chasing SHDC, with support from Stuart and his council contacts, hopefully to obtain circa £8500 funds, as you have been advised previously, for replacement of equipment and improvements for the composting site.

Village Hall Report

Bookings and income are both steady.  A review of hire charges will be made after September.  The lighting in the kitchen and toilets had been improved and now operates on sensors – saving energy and eliminating the previous problems of lights being left on after hall use.  A microphone is to be purchased.  The Health and Safety Policy is to be reviewed.  Paths and steps are to be pressure washes and white markings to be reinstated.  There will be a quiz night on April 29th – £30.00 per table of 6.  7pm for 7.30pm start – bring your own food and drink.  The AGM will be on 24th May at 7.00pm.

Parish Website

Cllr. Stocks praised the considerable amount of work completed by Sophie Paterson on the website. More work is needed but the improvements are very welcome.

Dart Harbour Group

Cllr Thompson will attend the next meeting on March 9th.

Next Council meeting will be on Thursday April 6th, 2023 at 7.45pm in the Village Hall. and will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm.  Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.

Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes March 2023

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