Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday 2nd of June 2022 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr T. Green, Cllr. Thomson, Vice Chair, Cllr L. Stocks. Cllr N. Paterson

Also present, Michael Read, Clerk, County Cllr J. Hawkins, District Cllr McKay no members of the public.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. None
  2. Apologies – Cllr Throgmorton, Cllr Greaves, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator.
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated May 5th, were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from the meeting May 5th, 2022, not on the agenda;

Speeding in Ashprington
The “20 is plenty” 20mph campaign commenced during the second half of May with a number of workshops held at different points in the parish. In the main vehicles and cyclists were observed as not exceeding the guidance speed limits. Tuckenhay is currently within a 30mph zone {which is in excess of the desired speed threshold}. Wheelie bin posters seem to be effective currently, creating discussion in the parish. Plans are in hand to repeat the exercise in September and volunteers are sought to join in. Feedback will be welcomed by the Parish Council.

Potholes continue to be a concern for West Dart parishes but clearly there is some funding available in parts of Devon but little activity in our parish. There are other issues that concern Cllr Rogers and it was agreed that a meeting should be called to discuss a way forward with other parishes, ideally with a representative from DCC following on later in the summer.

War Memorial
Some cleaning of the memorial has taken place but the survey commissioned by the parish has not yet been completed.

Coronation Plot at Tuckenhay
It seems that DCC have no objection to the relocating of a couple of the boulders opposite the bus shelter in Tuckenhay, to allow easier car parking. Cllr Thompson agreed to talk to those residents who might not be in favour. The boulders concerned, are those nearest the bridge. It is likely that the boulders will only be moved by around two feet.

5. P3 Report
The permissive footpath in Crownley Woods has been strimmed and more work is to follow. The footbridge and steps on the footpath have been refurbished on a work party day with the National Trust. The circular footpath and new entrance gate are still awaiting completion.

6. District & County Councillor Reports
County Councillor
Nothing to report other than frustration with the performance of FCC and the waste collection service
District Councillor
Councillor McKay could report no lasting improvement in the brown bin collection service. It seems to be arbitrary as to whether brown bins are collected or not i.e. some collections in Tuckenhay but only one in Ashprington since March 28th! A well reported meeting with the contractor FCC seems to have not gone well but SHDC seem determined to achieve a resolution. Cllr McKay is campaigning to protect Baltic Wharf in Totnes – there are plans for further housing development.
Harbertonford Community Shop
A Community Share Offer starts on June 10th in an attempt to raise £60000. It closes on July 25th. The store should serve up to 1000 households.

7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report this month. Two planning applications for tree work.

2668/21/FUL M.Pearey. Hillside. Tuckenhay New Dwelling, Resubmission of 2025/21/FUL Conditional Approval SHGC
1599/22/TCA K. Carr,1 Frogmore Farm. T1 Sycamore- Fell & remove to ground level. – Object

An email has been received querying possible yellow lines in Ashprington.
Cllr Greaves will attend a meeting with Anthony Magnall MP on “Police Hubs” on the 16th of June on behalf of the Parish.

10. Finance
Treasurers Account -Balance £21.971.78.  Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – £106.56 – Replacement sleepers for Crownley Woods. ACB Office Services – Payroll Services – £11.19.  Income – Nil.

11.Councillors Areas of Responsibility/Other Business

The Annual Internal Audit Report was received and noted.
The Annual Governance Statement {which had been circulated by the Clerk} was approved by the Council.
The Accounting Statements {Section 2} were approved by the Council.
The Certificate of Exemption was approved.
The commencement date for exercise of public rights was set.

Ashprington Traffic Order
In 2019 the parish council applied for consideration of double yellow lines in Ashprington {on a provisional basis only}. The Traffic Order has now been issued and is out for consultation until June 27th. The Council envisages only two small sections of DYLs, and only at two of the worst pinch points in the village. The main reason the application was made, is that on more than one occasion, the Gritting Lorry has been unable to pass through the village, due to poorly parked vehicles. It is also possible that fire engines {which need 3 metres width}, may also be unable to pass. If this were to continue, it is likely that gritting of the man parish roads, would be stopped on a permanent basis by DCC. This has already happened in Cornworthy.  In fact the Statutory Notice posted by DCC shows a longer stretch of DYLs and the parish will lobby for the original, shorter lengths to be implemented. More details will be posted on the parish Facebook page and in the bus shelter in Ashprington. The Council would prefer not to have DYLs but have been unable to source any other solution.

Cllr Paterson stated that he was continuing attempts to forge contacts with other parish sustainability groups looking at environmental issues.

Cllr Rogers believes that the potholes near the Maltsters Arms should be fixed soon.

The Chair thanked all of those who worked so hard over the Jubilee Weekend to make the various events a success, including Ashprington Village Hall Committee, Ash Meadow Committee, St Davids Church, Kathi Green and Parish Councillors. Ian Bentlett extended thanks to the Council for their support. Any excess funds raised will go to the Ukraine Charity Appeal.

A special thank you is extended to Cllr Throgmorton and others, for his work on sprucing up the Cemetery – richly deserved.

The Clerk has written to both DCC Rights of Way Warden and Williams and Triggs, Stone Masons, regarding the potholes between Church Close and St Davids and the War Memorial respectively.

The meeting closed at 9.45pm. Next Meeting will be on Thursday July 7th, 2022 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.

The minutes are available to download as a Microsfot Word document here: PC Minutes June 2022

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