Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday July 6th, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present ; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr.Thompson, Cllr L. Stocks, Cllr S. Paterson, , Cllr T. Green, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr S. Greaves {Vice Chair},
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. District Councillor J. McKay, Two members of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – None.
- Apologies; County Cllr J. Hawkins, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated June 1st were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting of June 1st, not on the agenda;
Tuckenhay Bus Shelter
Cllrs Rogers and Throgmorton have assessed the condition of the shelter and feel that they should be able to carry out the work that is needed. The work will be done after the Tractorfest. {July 22nd}
Parking at the Coronation Plot, Tuckenhay
Cllr Thompson will meet Tom Whitehead of SHDC to review the refuse collection problem near the coronation plot at Tuckenhay.
War Memorial
The estimate for the work to the stone plinth of the memorial has now been accepted and the work will be done at the end of September. We are still short of funds but a parishioner has offered a donation. There is also likely to be a fundraiser and a donation from Tractorfest.
Purchase and Wording of Commemorative Coronation Plaque.
After a short debate it was agreed that Cllr Stocks would visit Allwoods to scope out the cost of a small {A5 sized} plaque for the tree planted in front of the Village Hall.
Ash Meadow
There are concerns that the Meadow is being used more and more by persons from outside the parish who do not have rights to deposit their green waste, and that this might even have been encouraged by a District Councillor. Cllr Patterson agreed to write to the councillor requesting that they desist. It was also felt to be useful to site CCTV at the site.
- P3 Report.
Nothing to report.
6.District and County Councillor Reports
District Councillor
The District Council is starting to formulate a strategic plan for the district. Cllr McKay is to lead an advisory panel on Climate Change issues.
County Councillor Report
Cllr Hawkins Not Present
7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report.
- Planning
1847/23/LBC Quay Cottage. Listed Building Consent for replacement of damp plaster on internal wall. Support.
1817/23/ARC Hillside, Tuckenhay. Approval of details Reserved by conditions {discharge} Discharge of Condition Refused SHDC.
1385/23/FUL Land at Sx 807 578. Erection of Agricultural Building – Withdrawn
- Correspondence
SHDC has issued an invitation to Cllrs to participate in a Town and Parish Forum Meeting on Microsoft Teams on July 26th. Cllr. Greaves offered to represent the parish.
- Finance
Treasurers Account -Balance £28,226.81. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable –N. Mallalieu – £210.00 and £302.40. {Defibrillator Bills}. J.Todd – Strimming for Crownley Wood – £200.00. Clerks Net Salary {April 1st to June 30th} – £883.80. Income Tax thereon –£589.20. Parish Expenses – £180.49. Income – £34.00, Defibrillator Donations.
- Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
Mobile Library Service
The Clerk, Cllr Paterson, Cllr Stocks have responded to the Review. There is no news yet as to the outcome.
Information Board on Coronation Plot, Tuckenhay.
The condition of the map on the board is deteriorating. The original has now been traced and an enquiry will be made to attempt a replacement copy.
Dart Harbour
Cllr Thompson reported that Cllr McKay attended and gave an overview of his role with regards to climate change and sustainability. He shared targets he would be setting and outlined plans to work with community groups to meet those targets.
He also stated he had been given a budget to work with. Cllr Thompson will provide Cllrs with a link to view the proposals. Environment Officer gave information about Salt Marsh Project which is proving to be very successful in restoring marshes which are an essential way of removing carbon dioxide from the environment. She also mentioned water quality which she said on the whole was quite good on the Dart but there are still concerns from run-off water from farmland and sewage problems in Bow Creek area and Totnes although she did not specify what these are and we may need to contact SWW to get more details. Harbour Master updated on River activities. Works at Double Steps Mooring in Dartmouth have been completed providing better access for visiting boats. New Pontoon in Totnes for small vessels. Improvement at pontoon in Stoke Gabriel to give better access. Naval College pontoons to be removed due to poor condition and replaced in September. Increase in cruise ships coming to Dartmouth is to be managed carefully but is needed for the local economy and to maintain Dartmouth’s status as a commercial port.
Postbox at Bow Bridge
The Clerk will chase up the Royal Mail again regarding the missing box.
Next Council meeting will be on Thursday September 7th, 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk 732047.
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes July 2023