Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday April 6th, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, , Cllr S. Greaves, Cllr.Thompson {Vice Chair}., Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Stocks.

Also present: County Cllr J. Hawkins, Michael Read, Clerk. One member of the public.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
  2. Apologies Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr T. Green, District Cllr McKay, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated March 2nd, were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from the meeting of March 2nd, not on the agenda; War Memorial/Highways Grant

Cllr Greaves reported that several parishioners have expressed concerns about the necessity of repairs to the War Memorial. It was clarified in that the memorial and its base, both needed attention following inspection by specialists. The outer wall has been hit by vehicles causing cement to fall out and the loss of several stones. The memorial itself is discoloured and the names of the fallen need to be “restated”.

It was agreed that the work should commence in June/July when a grant for some of the work should be available.

Coronation of King Charles May 2023

It was agreed that the Council should commemorate the Coronation in some way for the children of the parish. It was proposed by Cllr Thompson, that a pen would be given or offered to every child in the parish funded by the Council.

Cllr Stocks outlined the events planned by the Steering Group for the weekend. Thanks to Kathi Green for producing an attractive leaflet listing the items planned. The Right Royal Roast has already been sold out.

Parking Issues in Ashprington

A parishioner has complained that considerable difficulties are being experienced by motorists exiting Hill Park in the village due to vehicles blocking access/exit to Hill Park and on to Church Close. The parishioner feels that visibility for vehicles as they attempt to leave Hill Park is often so severely restricted that it makes it difficult if not dangerous to pull out. The Chair met with the petitioner and other parties to discuss how best to ameliorate the problem which has caused concern in the village for many years. It was agreed that the offending area be coned off preventing vehicles parking in the absence of a more permanent solution.

  1. P3 Report.

Nothing to report.

6.District and County Councillor Reports

District Councillor

Cllr McKay reported that he was disappointed to learn that residents were still experiencing issues with non-collection of waste. More funds are to be allocated in an effort to solve the issues.

County Councillor Report

Cllr Hawkins stated that although £9.4m has been allocated by Central Government to improve the County’s pot holes problem it was nowhere near enough.

7.Tree Warden Report

Nothing to report this month.

  1. Planning

4519/22/PDM Mr J. Carnell. Higher Sharpham Barton Farm. Application to determine if  prior approval is required for a proposed Change of Use of agricultural building to x5  dwelling houses {class C} and associate operation development {Class C – a+b] – Prior  approval refused by SHDC.

0439/23/ARC Farm Activity Centre, Lower Sharpham. Application for approval of
details reserved by condition 3 & 5 of planning consent 0354/21/FUL. Discharge approved.
0270/23/VAR Steps Cottage. Variation or removal of Condition. Conditional Approval.

0548/23/TCA The Old Rectory. Works in a Ree Con. Area. No Objection Raised SHDC.

  1. Correspondence

Nothing to report.

  1. Finance.

Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £22,420.21 Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3

P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved & Payable – Parish Expenses – £166.21. Clerks net salary -£883.80. Income Tax thereon – £589.20. Lengthsmans Fees – £132.00. DALC  Subscription -£122.94.

  1. Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.

The fallen wall on the Zc44 is causing an obstruction but has been “tidied up” by DCC. Efforts have been made to trace the owner.

Bridgework at Tuckenhay

The Clerk was asked to write to DCC complimenting them on the excellent work repairing the bridge.

Dart Harbour Group

The Group are updating and reviewing moorings to reflect need. Local people to be given priority on the waiting list.

Work on double steps making moorings more accessible to be completed by May 2023.

Limited number of cruise ships to be encouraged. Bathing water consultation at x4 sites – Dartmouth, Dittisham, Cornworthy and  Totnes

Report from Members

Sustainable Ashprington. Sustainability working well with other villages. Toad project supported by volunteers.

Water Consultation – SWW setting up consultation over plan to provide secure and sustainable water supply.

Next Meeting – Thursday May 11th, 2023 in Ashprington Village Hall @ 7.45pm., preceded by the Annual  Meeting{AGM} at 7.30pm.

Michael Read, Ashprington Clerk. Tel. 01803 732047

Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes April 2023

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