Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday September 2nd, 2021 at 7.30 pm held at Ashprington Village Hall.
Present: Cllr Stocks {Chair} Cllr Thompson {Vice Chair}, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr B. Lunt.
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk, District Cllr. J. McKay, County Cllr J. Hawkins One member of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: None.
- Apologies: Cllr. T. Green, Cllr. R. Rogers, M. Pearey, Tree Warden. P Macey, P3 Co-ordinator.
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated July 1st and August 5th, were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting of July 1st, 2021, not on the agenda:
Highway Management Update
Nothing to report.
Speed Monitoring in Ashprington
Cllrs Throgmorton, Green and the Clerk have been conducting speed monitoring tests in Ashprington with the aid of a speed gun. In the latest test, 33 vehicles were monitored with one vehicle recorded at 24mph and another at 22 mph {within the normal tolerance level of 20 mph plus 10%}. The checks will continue on an ad hoc basis as there are still isolated cases of unsafe speeds observed in the Village.
Update on the “Swift Project”
The Chair thanked Cllr Mckay for his generous £250 grant towards the cost of attempting to re-establish a swift community in Ashprington, the project being fronted by Cllr Paterson – the Clerk indicated the funds have been received and would be held in the Parish bank account until needed to be drawn down.
Bow Hill
DCC Highways accept that the condition of this road is unacceptable. County Cllr Hawkins and our Area Highways Officer have been lobbying the head of DCC Highways, to improve the condition of the road surface at Bow Hill. Whilst the road was surveyed in July and the road marked for pothole repairs on September 2nd the Chair will write to DCC requesting proper, remedial work sooner rather than later.
Bench Repair in Tuckenhay.
The Chair thanked Graham Ware who has repaired the vandalised bench in Tuckenhay for the cost of materials only. This is not the first act of kindness by Graham and the Parish is extremely grateful for his work.
Parish Council Change in Personnel.
Cllr Stocks announced that she intends to stand down as Chair of the Council with effect from October 7th, and has formally tendered her written resignation. County Cllr Hawkins and District Cllr McKay warmly praised Cllr Stocks for her achievements and leadership over the three and a half years she has been in post and this was echoed by the parish Councillors and Clerk. Fortunately, Cllr Stocks intends to stay on the Council. The Council will vote in a new Chair at the October Meeting.
Additionally, Cllr Lunt also announced that he would be resigning from the Council with immediate effect. He is sorry to be standing down and stated that it was for personal reasons and that he had enjoyed his time as a Parish Councillor. The Chair, councillors and the Clerk thanked Cllr Lunt for his contribution to the Parish and the Council. The vacancy is likely to be advertised on September 24th following statutory period of 14 days grace.
Seasonal/ year-round parking in the parish
There remains an issue with inconsiderate although not always intentional poor parking in the parish. At times, HGV’s {who are discouraged from using Bow Hill}, farm vehicles, the Gritting Lorry and most importantly emergency vehicles, are unable to pass through the parish because someone has failed to recognise that they may be causing an obstruction, or worse still that they believe they can park wherever they choose. Cornworthy parish had its gritting service suspended due to selfish parking in their village. The Council canvassed parishioners in May 2020 to ascertain opinions on double yellow lines im Ashprington but a majority were not in favour. There is no space or funding to construct an off-road car park. The Council will therefore continue to use traffic cones as a deterrent to poor parking in the parish where appropriate and leave a note on parked offending vehicles already likely to cause an obstruction. There are signs asking vehicle owners not to park between arrows at pinch points and a “no parking” sign and white line in front of the bus shelter. These are not the only areas which need some forethought. Please observe the signage – it is there for a reason.
5. P3 Report
Pam Macey reported a meeting will be held with Crownley Wood owners the National Trust, to consider improving the airflow to the chimney for patrons wishing to BBQ. She thanked Cllr Lunt for his brush cutting in the woods. Volunteers who own strimmers are needed to carry out this work on an on-going basis.
6. County Councillor/District Cllr Report
County Councillor Hawkins expressed ongoing concerns about the condition of Bow Hill and has voiced those concerns forcefully with Highways. He suggested that the Chair write to DCC requesting when the parish might finally see much needed remedial work on the hill. Cllr Stocks has already engaged on this subject with Highways but intimated that she would write again shortly.
Cllr McKay addressed the issue of the waste collection service for the parish and outlined his concerns regarding the performance of FCC the company contracted to deliver the South Hams waste service. There would seem to be no immediate prospect of improvement as the contractor still has a shortage of HGV drivers which is unlikely to change soon. The Parish Council expressed its concerns and reported that its own temporary option for garden waste to be deposited at Ash Meadow, continues to operate.
Cllr Mckay discussed ongoing concerns with the safety of the A381 passing through Harbertonford. An independent survey demonstrated that many vehicles were neither observing the speed limit nor driving with sufficient care and attention in the vicinity. The Chair proposed that the Council support the move for change which was carried unanimously.
Cllr Mckay continues his involvement with local groups on Climate Change and its effects.
7. Tree Warden Report
Mike Pearey reports that a large ash west of Coombe Park continues to cause concern. The parish has been advised that the landowner has been written to but it is believed that responsibility for its maintenance lies with the County Council who are also aware of the Tree Warden’s concern. A reply is awaited. There are two trees in Tuckenhay which need evaluation – thought to be variety of hornbeam, they may need to be cut down or at least monitored.
Cllr Tom Green reported significant Ash Dieback in Ash Meadow. There are 36 trees affected. Children play in the area underneath the trees. Ash Meadow Committee have already met to discuss the issue and plan a way forward and will seek a professional opinion Sharpham’s Forester.
The Committee have already received advice to:
– Mark the affected trees with spray paint
– Display notices in the village and near the copses warning of potential hazard
– Remove affected lower branches where possible.
Following a long debate, particularly concerning the possibility of injury to children from fallen trees or branches, it was resolved that urgent action is needed and that the affected areas of Ash Meadow be immediately cordoned off. A letter drop will be organised the following day and be distributed throughout the parish. The exercise will be under the auspices of the Ash Meadow Committee and Cllr Paterson who will also compose the wording for the letter. Cllr Stocks will arrange for printing on September 3rd. The forester will be asked estimate the cost of the work as early as possible, with copies made available to Ian Bentlett, Ash Meadow Chair, and the parish council.
8. Planning
2056/21/FUL R. Rogers. Langham View. Roofing over existing sileage pit. Conditional Approval, SHDC.
9. Correspondence
Devon and Cornwall Police have contacted the council pointing out the times when 999 calls should be made and requesting that 101 or online contact be used for non- urgent matters.
An email has been received from Dr Barbara Phillips of the South Hams Climate Action Network, seeking that Ashprington Parish Council consider passing a motion to support the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill {CEE Bill}. Following a discusion it was proposed that the Council support the proposition and the vote was carried unanimously. The Chair will contact Dr Phillips.
10. Finance
Treasurer’s Account – Balance £19.302.64. Cemetery Account – £353.84. P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – JT Landscaping – Crownley Woods Strimming -£120.00 {August} Lengthsmans Fees – £240.00 {August}. Letter drop – Garden waste – £13.50, Kingsbridge Websites – Annual website Hosting Fee – £70.00.
11. Ashprington Village Hall Report
All fire alarms have been tested and passed. Two videos have been made and distributed to all committee members showing the procedure to be followed should the smoke alarm be activated. A replacement gardener has been found. Various minor internal repairs have been completed. A quote for improving the external lighting is to be obtained. Online Hall bookings are proceeding well. It was confirmed that the only exemptions from paying for hall bookings should be for the Parish Council meetings and training events. The AGM has been deferred until March. The next committee meeting will be on October 5th 2021.
12. Ash Meadow Report
Work parties (held on the first Saturday of each month) have continued to be well-attended and it is welcome to see that the core group of volunteers has been joined by some new faces. It is hoped that an increased social media presence will aid in encouraging more to join.
Owing to the continuation of Covid-19 related restrictions into July, the first event of 2021 was held on Saturday 21st August, in the form of the Ashprington & Tuckenhay Village Picnic. The event attracted in the region of 50 residents, their friends and families. In order to be Covid-19 secure, each brought their own food and drinks, with the barbecue also available to cook items. Various contests, races and the annual egg-throwing competition were enjoyed by competitors and spectators alike. Thanks go to the Committee members and, in particular, to Jill Davies for organising.
Decision by South Hams District Council to suspend garden waste collection for a minimum of 4 weeks from Monday 16 August
The Committee were quick to recognise the important role that the community composting facility could provide in light of this unanticipated change of circumstances. A response was coordinated in conjunction with the Parish Council, with leaflets issued to householders in Ashprington and Tuckenhay to highlight the facilities available to process garden waste at Ash Meadow. Volunteers have also come forward to ensure that residents unable to transport their waste to the site can have their waste collected instead. The amount of waste brought to the site will be closely monitored and appropriate action taken to undertake further processing in addition to that undertaken at the regular work parties, should this be required.
Ash Meadow’s finances are in a fairly healthy state. There is currently a balance of £5,481.98 in the account with Co-operative Bank. We have recently received over £2,000.00 from South Hams District Council for composting and £1,250.00 for switching the account from NatWest to the Co-operative Bank, on becoming a Community Interest Company. Recent expenditure has included £174.00 for the hire of a grass cutter for the orchard and the annual payment of £396.00 to South Hams DC for grass cutting. We have agreed with the firm we used for grass cutting that they will provide a machine at a much-reduced rate next March, as we experienced a number of problems over the course of its weekend of use.
13. Councillors’ Areas of Responsibility / Other Business
Dart Harbour
The Vice Chair has circulated the latest report prepared by the group. She will field any queries by email.
Emergency Planning
Cllr Throgmorton attended the latest Emergency Planning Forum run by DCC.
Merchant Navy Day
Thanks to Laurence Green for arranging for the Red Ensign to be flown from the Church Tower on Merchant Navy Day.
Nomination to lay wreath on Remembrance Sunday
Two nominations were discussed and Cllr Stocks will approach one of them to lay the wreath at the War Memorial on November 14th.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022
It was proposed that a Committee be set up to arrange suitable celebrations for this four day event in June next year, comprising of representative{s} of the WI, Village Hall Committee, Ash Meadow Committee and the Parish Council.
The meeting closed at 10.09pm.
Next meeting will be on Thursday October 7th 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
M.J. Read, Parish Clerk – spooks49@michaelread.plus.com. Tel. 01803 732047.
Download the original Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes September 2021