Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday October 7th 2021 at 7.30pm held at Ashprington Village Hall

Present: Cllr Stocks (Chair), Cllr Thompson (Vice Chair), Cllr Rogers, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr. T. Green.

Also present: Michael Read (Clerk), District Cllr J. McKay, County Cllr J. Hawkins, four members of the public.

Appointment of new Chair

Following Cllr Stocks decision to stand down as chair, invitations to elect her successor were requested by the Clerk. There was only one nominee, Cllr Rogers. Cllr Rogers was proposed as Chair by Cllr Stocks and seconded by Cllr Thompson. Following a vote, Cllr Rogers was duly elected and took over as Chair of the meeting.

1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Rogers – planning applications at Ashprington Court.

2. Apologies – M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P. Macey, P3 Co-ordinator.

3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated September 2nd were approved and signed.

4. Matters arising from the meeting of July 1st 2021 not on the agenda:

Highway Management update

Nothing to report.

Speeding in Ashprington

Cllr Thompson reported back on a productive meeting with the Director of Sharpham Trust also attended by Cllr Stocks. As previously debated, some vehicles returning from Sharpham approach the village at speeds above the maximum 20mph figure posted in the village. There is clear signage and one speed bump provided by Sharpham. There is doubt as to who owns the stretch between the end of Church Close and the Church which is the area vehicles should be slowing down, rather than speeding up. This is particularly problematic as it is unclear whether the limit is enforeable, and, if it was, who would enforce it. Ideas put forward included a card being given to all delivery drivers on speed awareness in the village and a possible additional speed bump but this may depend on establishing ownership of this stretch of road. Cllr Stocks and Thompson agreed to continue to pursue possible actions and to speak to DCC Highways.

Parking in Ashprington

There is no solution in sight for this perennial issue. Cornworthy Parish are exploring the same issue and the Council agreed that John Croft and/or Russell Broadhurst be contacted to review the problem.

Bow Hill

DCC have finally replied to Cllr Stock’s enquiry as to when the required remedial works would be understaken. Seemingly it is planned for the period February 4th to the 10th 2022 subject to weather conditions. The Council are concerned that the road surface could deteriorate more in the meantime and asked County Cllr Hawkins advice as to whether an earlier date might be possible. Cllr Hawkins suggested that the Council could appeal directly to HATOC (Highways and Traffic Orders Committee) in Exeter on October 15th or by emailing a question. Cllr Thompson offered to attend to make the case if deemed appropriate and Cllr Stocks would establish the best way forward.

The problem with the road closure at the foot of the hill was discussed. A flash flood following torrential rain overnight caused soil from a reseeded field to pour down the hill. Fortunately, DCC HIghways acted as quickly as possible.

Ash Dieback in Ash Meadow

Following a close inspection of the Ash trees in the meadow, it will be necessary to remove both many trees and branches. A number of the affected areas have been roped off as they could represent a danger to visitors/users of the meadow. Parishioners have been “leafleted”, quotation obtained and the work will be completed in mid-October, starting on the 13th and weather permitting. It is intended that the composting facility remain open for as much as possible. The Ash Meadow Committee and Cllrs Green and Paterson were thanked by the Council for organising and assisting with the work.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022

It is proposed that a Committee be set up made up of representatives of the Parish Council, W.I., Ashprington Village Hall and Ash Meadow to arrange suitable celebrations for this four day event in June 2022. However. a leader is needed to organise and coordinate the event. The Parish magazine, Parish website and Facebook pages will appeal for a parishioner to step forward.


The Clerk has added an addendum to the notes regarding burials in the Cemetery to the effect that gravestone and tablet proposals should be submitted to the Council (via the Clerk) for inspection and approval prior to installation. The planting of trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the burial area will not be permitted. An existing dawrf apple tree will be appropriately trimmed shortly.

Co-option of Replacement Councillor

The applicants for the vacancy will be interviewed on November 4th.

5. P3 Report

Pam Macey reported a meeting has been held with Crownley Wood owners the National Trust, to consider improving the airflow to the chimney for patrons wishing to BBQ. She is waiting for details of the outcome.

6. County Councillor / District Councillor Report

Cllr McKay repeated ongoing concerns with the safety of the A381 passing through Harbertonford. An independent survey demonstrated that many vehicles were neither observing the speed limit nor driving with sufficient care and attention in the vicinity. Waste removal and recycling continues to prove problematic and regrettably there is no end in sight for a resumption for brown bin collections. It will however resume at some point for Climate Change. He sits on the SHDC Scrutiny Committee. There is an assurance given by Cllr McKay and Cllr Hawkins that effective “comingling” is in operation at the Plymouth City Council site which either recycles or incinerates waste.

7. Tree Warden Report

The large Ash tree to the west of Coombe Park, deemed to be unsafe by the Tree Wardens, has been felled. The two apparently dead tress (marked with red crosses) near Tuckenhay Bridge have yet to be removed. The dying Ash near the top of Corkscrew Hill is being monitored and will probably be felled this Autumn. Mr Pearey warned parishioners to be aware that there have been a lot of accidents involving professional tree surgeons and dying Ash trees. Ashe becomes very brittle as it starts to deteriorate and quickly become unsafe to climb, hence why early intervention on diseased trees close to public places is so important.

8. Planning

3626/21/TCA The Old Post Office. Reduction of Beech trees (x 10) – Support.

3173/21/FUL to 3176/21/FUL Ashprington Court. Grain Store/ Straw Storage Building / Hay Storage Building / Livestock Building (four applications) – Support.

3042/21/LBC G Roache, Quay Cottage, Tuckenhay. LBC consent to replace 1 window – Support.

9. Correspondence

There are two items of correspondence which will be held over until the November meeting.

10. Finance

Treasurer’s Account – Balance £24,285,64. Cemetery Account – £353.84. P3 Account – £487.81. A/cs Approved and Payable – Clerks Salary – £762.30, Income Tax thereon £508.00. Parish Expenses – £158.80. ACB Office Services – £12.41. Cllr Stocks – Ash Dieback leaflets – £11.00. Income – 2nd Precept Payment – £5,093.00. Ash Tree Remedial Work at Ash Meadow, UXG Contractors – £1,500.00. British Legion Donation – £200.00.

11. Ashprington Village Hall Report

The Hall’s finances are in a healthy position thankfully as a result of the income received from Covid payments. This has enabled interior and exterior refurbishment of the hall to be undertaken. The ever present concern of the replacement of the heating system led rise to a discussion on alternative sources of heating in the future. The benefits of different schemes are to be investigated and results fed back to comittee. Bookings for the hall continue to come in – income for September hire was just inder £1,000. Online invoicing sent at the end of each month has started and will continue to be developed. It was confirmed that there would be no Winter Lunch or Quiz Night this year but the state of the pandemic will be reviewed in the New Year and possible social gatherings arranged if conditions are favourable. It was felt that extra cleaning hours are required and the committee are seeking someone to do the work. The laying down of Pickle Ball court lines on the hall floor has been requested so that a regular booking can be made. The work would have to be done professionally and the cost is being investigated. The Village Hall page on the Parish Council website will be improved and updated to include more comprehensive terms and conditions of hire as well as more extensive information about the hall and current photographs. The committee agreed in principal to be involved in any Platinum Jubilee celebration activities next year along with other groups such as the WI and the Parishin Coucil , providing a coordinator from the community could be found to organise the event. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 18th January.

12. Councillors’ Areas of Responsibility / Other Business

British Legion / Remembrance Sunday

Cllr Stocks reported that a parishioner from Tuckenhay has agreed to lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish on Remembrance Sunday. It was proposed and carried by a vote that a donation of £200 be made to the Legion and that a second wreath to be laid by the schoolchildren of the parish be obtained by the Clerk. Minor expenses of a bugler to play on the day would be met by the parish.

Ashprington Bus Shelter

A parishioner requested that old books, CDs, etc should not be left in the shelter any more as the seats are there to enable users to sit down. They will be removed by the Clerk and a notice posted discouraging the leaving of these items. The newspapers (from Bridgetown Store) will remain in the shelter.


Please note that the Swift Project was set up and will be managed by Nick Mallalieu.

The meeting closed at 9.37pm.

Next meeting will be on Thursday November 4th 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

M.J. Read, Parish Clerk – spooks49@michaelread.plus.com – Tel. 01803 732047.

Download the original Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes October 2021

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