Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday October 6th, 2022 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr L. Stocks. Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr S. Greaves, Cllr T. Green, Cllr. Thompson,

Also present, Michael Read, Clerk, one member of the public.

1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda

2. Apologies
M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator. County Cllr J. Hawkins, District Cllr McKay

3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated September 1st were approved and signed.

4. Matters arising from the meeting September 1st, 2022, not on the agenda;

Response to Potholing Issue and “Maltsters” pothole
The pothole near to the Maltsters has now been repaired. The Clerk wrote to t our MP who supported our bid for its urgent repair. Concerns were expressed about the quality of repair work and the number of outstanding cases.

Repairs toTuckenhay Bus Shelter Roof
The roof is in need of repair. An estimate has been received but the Council considers that the cost is excessive and agreed that the work will be completed by 2/3 Parish Cllrs.

Speeding Workshops
Plans are in hand to repeat the “Twenty is Plenty” exercise in October and volunteers are sought to join in. Cllr Throgmorton has written out to councillors and three dates announced as the 16th, 19th and 21st of October

War Memorial Digitisation Project
A parishioner is to be approached who may be able to assist with the setting up of a QR code for the memorial.

Donation to British Legion/Nominee to lay the Remembrance Day Wreath
The Council agreed to donate £200.00 to the British Legion and it was resolved to approach a parishioner to lay the wreath on Remembrance Sunday, November 13th.

5. P3 Report
The broken stile at the bottom of Lime Lane has been advised to the Rights of Way Officer at DCC to be repaired.

6. District and County Councillor Reports
Neither Councillor could be present.

District Councillor
Cllr McKay reported that the site near Luscombe Cross should be vacated shortly as the occupants should be moving on – Cllr McKay will investigate whether a large immovable object can be placed there.{Written report submitted}

7. Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report this month.

8. Planning
2324/22/HHO 4 Brooking Barn. Single story extension. Conditional Approval, SHDC.
2731/22/NNM 4 Orchard Close. Non-Material Amendment.
3360/21/LBC Hill Quay. Application for Approval of Details reserved by condition 4
{roofing specification} of planning consent 3821/21/LBC
2246/22/HHO/2247/22/LBC Steps Cottage. Application for bike shed – Approved   SHDC
3226/22/TCA Tuckenhay House. Various Tree Works, Ash, Oak and Beech branches.

9. Correspondence
The Clerk has received a request to point out the existence of an online survey about the level of precept sought by the Fire & Rescue Service – the Clerk has a link for interested parishioners.

10. Finance
Treasurers Account -Balance £TBA.  Cemetery Account –   £353.84, P3 Account –   £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable -£80.00. Website Hosting Package – Judge Web Design, Clerks Net Salary -£823.80, Income Tax -£549.20. Parish Expenses, July 1st to September 30th, 2022 – £137.04.   Income – £5093.00. 2nd Precept Payment. DCC.

11. Ash Meadow Report
Please advise all contacts that we are holding the firework night celebrations again this year on the meadow commencing at 6.00 pm on 5th November. All are welcome to this excellent family night.General maintenance is proceeding as planned with mowing and shredding being completed satisfactorily by SHDC.   Issue with mowing line and damage to new trees resolved. Annual mow of long grass in Orchard now completed by volunteers.  Thanks to Nigel for arranging. A suggestion of planting bulbs in Orchard for next year was agreed. This is being discussed by committee members. Budget agreed of £50 for this purpose. Volunteer work parties taken place although numbers are sometimes limited. Much composting material is being utilised this year.

Bike rack removal to Church agreed and taken place but caused top fence to be shown to be in need of new posts due to rot. This is being attended to and one new post so far installed by William. Thanks to him. Being unable to have new permanent notice board produced satisfactorily elsewhere we have decided to build our own sign by adapting current post replacements on top fence.  This is will be worked on over the winter months by volunteers at very limited cost for materials only.

We have decided to plan replacement play equipment in two phases so that we can expedite progress. The first phase to take place ASAP will be to build a suitable 3.5 Mtr stainless steel embankment slide. Cost of this is circa £8000. This will be purchased through Parish Council to allow for VAT exemption.  Funding is being applied for but if not achieved this will be paid from our own funds. Replacement of climbing frame is not so urgent and will be planned for spring/summer 2023 cost circa £12000. Donations gratefully received!!

Finances are currently good with funds of £12000 which after suitable retention allows £10000 for improvement funding purposes. Ian as chair is involved in several discussions associated with the composting site development in South hams and the available £200K for new sites.  He has met with representatives of other sites and is attending a County meeting at South Brent on the subject on 15th October. Please contact Ian if you wish to attend with him.

Cllr Stocks proposed a vote of thanks to the Ash Meadow group for all they have achieved over recent months seconded by all present.

Composting at Ash Meadow
A request from Cornworthy Parish Council was received by the Clerk to consider making available the Ash Meadow Composting facilities to the residents of Cornworthy. The Ash Meadow Committee were consulted on the options and feasibility and the Parish Council then discussed the matter. Both the Committee and the Parish Council agreed that this would be a non-starter as the effect of the removal of brown bin collections in three weeks time and permanently from the end of March 2023, is unknown. Some residents will take up the offer of “paid for collections” no doubt but it is unclear how many will do so. It is predicted that the composting facility will become more widely used but that there is very little room to accept even more. Ian Benrlett stated that his committee would be happy to provide practical advice and support if required. The Clerk was instructed to write to Cornworthy PC to this effect.

12.Parish Defibrillators
It was resolved that Cllrs Rogers and Thompson would meet with Nick Mallalilieu to discuss future options for updating the parish defibrillators.

13. Councillors Areas of Responsibility/Other Business
Sewage Farm at Ashprington
A couple of parishioners have raised concerns about the number of vehicles passing through the parish en route to the SWW plant. The Clerk has made two attempts to find out what is happening there but is still waiting for a call back!

Dart Harbour

There is a plan to improve water quality produced by SWW.
The proposed works at Baltic Wharf for the Dart in Totnes is out for consultation.

A log pile has been stolen in the Parish perhaps a sign of increasing rural crime.

Sustainable Ashprington
The first public meeting was held on September 22nd in the Village Hall and an encouraging 30 people attended, with refreshments provided by Food in the Community. A wider meeting will be held on October 8th for the South Hams Group. A grant of £500.00 has been received from SHDC. A number of “projects” has already been completed and other sustainable initiatives are planned.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.  Next Council meeting will be on Thursday November 3rd, 2022 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Michael Read,  Ashprington Clerk.01803 73204 Tel. 01803 732047

Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes October 2022

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