Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday November 4th 2021 at 7.30pm held at Ashprington Village Hall.

Present: Cllr Thompson {Vice Chair}, Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr L.Stocks.

Also present: Michael Read, Clerk, three members of the public.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – None
  2. Apologies – District Cllr. J. McKay, County Cllr J. Hawkins M. Pearey, Tree Warden. P Macey, P3 Co-ordinator.
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated October 7th were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from the meeting of October 7th 2021 not on the agenda:

Speeding in Ashprington

Cllrs Thompson and Stocks reported back on progress contacting John Croft and Russell Broadhurst and they have now made contact. The Police have agreed to visit the parish and “walk” the problem areas in an effort to explore solutions. Signage, although perhaps desirable, is unlikely to be approved by DCC. An idea to hold a traffic Awareness week perhaps quarterly is gaining traction. It has not proved practicable as yet to implement a “card scheme” for delivery drivers etc. to Sharpham Estate.

The Council were upset to learn from two parishioners that a pet cat was killed in the village by a driver allegedly not taking due care and attention and indeed failing to stop after the collision.

Bow Hill

Cllr Stocks tried after the October meeting to query the tardiness to complete remedial work at Bow Hill. It proved not possible to approach HATOC {Highways and Traffic Orders Committee} as suggested buy Cllr Hawkins. It would appear that it remains the case that some work should be done this financial year {i. e. by March 31st} with a February date still pencilled in subject to the weather. The Chair agreed to speak to Cllr Hawkins when he is well.

Ash Dieback in Ash Meadow

The remedial work to the 36 trees affected by Ash Dieback has now been completed on time and within budget. The meadow has now reopened and is safe to visit. The contractor thanked Cllrs Green and Paterson for their help and support.

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022

The Clerk reported that a note had been placed in the Parish Magazine seeking a volunteer to coordinate arrangements for the Jubilee. Unless someone does volunteer there is no guarantee that an event will take place.


Cllr Stocks reported that the apple tree in the Cemetery has now been pruned.

Co-Option of Replacement Councillor

The applicants for the vacancy were interviewed on November 4th, and Stuart Greaves was selected and will join the council with immediate effect

5. P3 Report

Pam Macey reported that the only outstanding issue is work required at Crownley Woods. A work party is being assembled for November 13th when hot food will be provided. The National Trust are unable to resource all of the work and therefore appeal for help.

6. County Councillor/District Cllr Report

No reports as Cllr McKay and Cllr Hawkins were unable to be present.

7. Tree Warden Report

Two Ash Trees which are diseased need to be felled – Mike Pearey is planning to discuss this with the owners soon.

8. Planning

3626/21/TCA The Old Post Office. Crown Lift Beech Trees. No objection SHDC.

0288/21/OPA Farm Activity Centre Lower Sharpham Barton Farm. Erection of Farm Managers Dwelling. Outline Planning Permission. Conditional Approval SHDC.

9. Correspondence

Community Broadband

The District Council have written to the council seeking our views on Broadband in the parish. Councillors present felt that the parish was relatively well served at present but if feedback to the contrary evolves, it will be followed up.

Autumn Highways Conferences

The Clerk and Cllrs Throgmorton and Rogers have already signed up for the digital conferences on behalf of the parish – other cllrs. will have received the details and may also observe. The dates are November 24th and 25th.

Draft Planning Memorandum of Understanding with SHDC

The Council received details of a consultation process regarding the possible adoption of an “MoU” with SHDC Planning. After a debate, the Council decided not to enter into an “MoU” based on the paper submitted as it was felt to be something of a rehash of the status quo. By their own admission, the wording looks over formal and legalistic and does not in the view of this Council enhance the current arrangements.

10. Finance

Treasurer’s Account -Balance £21.345.54. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account –  £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – SLCC Subscription – £112.00. Income – Nil.

11. Ash Meadow Report


Green waste, despite SHDC decision not to collect until spring, is under control. Contingency plan in place for overload. Shredding has taken place on three  occasions. Mowing up to date – looking very tidy. Some painting of the benches and tables and the top of the container is still required when weather allows.


Firework night is on Saturday 6th all plans in place -we hope for good attendance. Thanks to Simon Roberts for making the arrangements. We are considering Wassail celebration again. We are looking to Parish Council to lead / advise on Jubilee Celebration for 2nd June 2022 and keen to support any use of Ash Meadow.

Ash Dieback

All work completed in accordance with plan we submitted to Parish Council. Thanks to Paul and Tom for their hard work in achieving this. Remaining large logs discussed at committee meeting and plans agreed to use or distribute them. Considering having carved totem pole out of one of logs to “celebrate “ (mark) loss of Ash trees.


Healthy position – free funds of £5482 – all compost funds now in. Awaiting refund from PC for Air Ambulance.


We are planning to improve communication on social media and perhaps newsletter to villagers (SP) funding.

Decisions taken at Committee meeting held 3rd November 2021

– Agreed to fund new portable goal posts up to £600 – (SR researching)
– Agreed to install proper notice board at compost entrance – (TG to construct)
– Agreed new signage for compost signing and clarity of compost piles. (IB to arrange)
– Agreed new waterproof box and waterproof book for marking compost bags being taken away, (WC To obtain).
– Agreed Ash Meadow development plan as forwarded by Nigel Paterson with some slight amendments EG removal of footpath  – Nigel to develop accurate plan associated with agreed way forward to include four Zones 1) orchard 2) Play and exercise area  – mow long grass between 3) Community use area for football pitch, Boule, events etc.  4) Composting area.
– Agreed bike tracks as per plan. Thickening of hedge running down community area agreed
– Agreed 3 for 1 replanting.
– Agreed to investigate new play park equipment. Concern that current climbing frame will fail next safety check. (IB MR JD)
– Agreed to investigate new entrance at bottom of meadow off Duncannon Lane to include disabled access if possible. (KW JD)
– Agreed to draft 5 year plan for meadow to assist funding, clarity and succession planning (IB)

12. Councillors’ Areas of Responsibility/Other Business

Harbour Group Committee Meeting

Cllr Thompson indicated that the next meeting will be November 16th.

Verge near Crownley Woods

Cllr Green plans to strim the area prior to tree planting.


Cllr Rogers reported that the area near Bow Bridge and blockages on Bow Hill would be attended to. A work party will clear leaves between the War Memorial and Bow Bridge. Potholes have been broght to the attention of DCC yet again. Parishioners are urged to report any pothole to DCC via their website.


Some updating and “tidying up” has been completed but there is more to do. Thanks go to Sophie Paterson as well as Joanne Rogers for their support. Cllr Stocks thanked Peter Wheeler for refurbishing the Tuckenhay notice board for which the Council is very grateful.

Snow Warden

Cllr Throgmorton stated that the council has sufficient grit and the grit bins are well stocked. Parishioners are reminded to park appropriately in the parish to allow the gritter lorries to pass through the parish.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Next Meeting will be on Thursday December 2nd 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Mike Read, Ashprington Clerk spooks49@michaelread.plus.com. Tel. 01803 732047.

Download the original Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes November 2021

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