Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday November 2nd, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present ; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr L. Stocks, Cllr S. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Thompson, Cllr T. Green, Cllr S. Greaves, County Cllr J. Hawkins.
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. No members of the public.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Thompson, Planning Application 10 Orchard Terrace.
  2. Apologies M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator, County Cllr J. McKay
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated October 5th were approved
  4. Matters arising from the meeting of October 5th, not on the agenda;

War Memorial
Work on the memorial stone “plinth” is now complete and the new stonework is covered to allow “curing”. A further donation of £1000 has been generously donated, with a further sum to come from the Tractorfest. Almost all of the costs have now been raised for the work.

Purchase and wording of Commemorative Coronation Plaque
Cllr Stocks has rejected the quote from Allwoods and suggested that we should wait before ordering from an alternative as the tree may need to be moved.

Soil Deposits in Tuckenhay
Cllr. Stocks bought this matter to the Council’s attention last month. Requests have been made to DCC and Cllr Hawkins for the removal of the soil to no avail. Cllr Rogers has thankfully removed most of the deposits as it is considered unlikely that DCC would do so. There appears to be a “lack of available funding”.

  1. P3 Report

Pam Macey reported that a parishioner suggested that mud be removed from the top of Lime Lane. She will apply for a grant early next year to facilitate.

6.District and County Councillor Reports

District Cllr. not present. Cllr Hawkins had nothing to report but was interested in comments raised by Councillors.

7.Tree Warden Report

Nothing to report.

  1. Planning

3477/23/TCA M.Smith. 7 Holly Villas. TA: Willow. Dead, Remove. Support. 3270/23/TCA Oates. The Old Bakehouse. T1 Fell Bay Tree. No objection SHDC.
2850/23/LBC Bow Bridge House. LBC for replacement of doors and windows. Support.
2783/23/HHO 10 Orchard Terrace. Single storey rear extension & porch roof. Support.
2951/23/ARC Marokopa, Higher Yetson Farm. Application for removal of details. Discharge of condition Approved SHDC
2962/23/ARC Sylvester, 4 Frogmore Farm. Application for discharge of conditions. Approved SHDC.
3163/23/FUL Oates, The Old Bakehouse, Tuckenhay. Conversion of dilapidated barn into games room. {Resubmission of 1943/23/FUL} Ashprington PC – Object.

  1. Correspondence

A letter has been received from Anthony Magnall MP enquiring whether the police might access the Village Hall if required. The Clerk was instructed to reply. The Council were requested for a view on the Fire Service of Devon & Somerset plans to raise funding in the next round of local taxation in 2024. The Clerk agreed to circulate the request so that Cllrs might respond.

  1. Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £26,688.92. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable- SLCC Subscription. £112. War Memorial -£3645.00 Final Payment {Paid}. Income – Donation for War Memorial – £400.00.
  1. Ashprington Village Hall Report

The recent Italian evening was a great success bringing in useful income.  It was decided that with the increasing cost of oil as well as the ongoing cost for hall maintenance the booking fee would be raised in January by £1.00 per hour and the hire of the kitchen would be £45.50.  To increase revenue more bookings are needed during the week as well as during the month of August. This is important as the boiler will need replacing in the next couple of years and will be a costly expense. Instead of the usual Winter Lunch, it was decided to hold a Village Pasty and ‘Fun Quiz’ Evening (bring a bottle) either Friday or Saturday night 8th/9th December.  Details are to be confirmed with a suggested cost of £10 per head. The Willow tree in the garden does not have a Preservation Order and permission to remove it has been granted.

Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.

CIC Board
The Clerk indicated that it was thought appropriate that Cllr Rogers and Cllr Greaves, be appointed as directors of the Ash Meadow CIC following their appointment as Chair and Vice Chair of the Council. Cllr s Stocks and Thompson were happy to stand down.

Snow Plan & Emergency Plan
Cllr Throgmorton reported that he has now revised the Snow Plan which will be posted on noticeboards and is updating the Emergency Plan.
Cllr Thompson reported that Bow Creek will be tested for water quality.

Next Council meeting will be on Thursday December 7th, 2023 at 7.30pm in the  Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.

Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes November 2023

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