C/o Mike Read, The Round House, 6 Frogmore Farm, Ashprington, Totnes Tel: 01803 732047 Email:
To members of the Council – You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ashprington Parish Council in the Village Hall on Thursday November 3rd. 2022 at 7.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Michael Read- Clerk to the Council.
November 1st, 2022.
1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
2. Apologies.
3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of October 6th. 2022.
4. Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda;
* Parish Defibrillators {RR/PT}
* Repairs to Tuckenhay Bus Shelter Roof. (RR/KT}
* Speeding Workshops {KT}
* Parish Magazine Content [SG/All}
* Baltic Wharf {SG/All}
* War Memorial {MR}
* Lime Lane Stile. {MR}
* Resurfacing near Sharpham and Ash Meadow {MR/RR}
5. P3 Report.
6. District & County Councillors Report. {Not Present}
7. Tree Warden Report
8. Planning
3682/22/HRN Sharpham Estate. Application for Hedgerow Removal Notice to remove stretches of Hedging as part of a restoration plan for Sharpham Parkland.
3226/22/TCA Tuckenhay House. Various Tree Works, Ash, Oak and Beech branches. No Objection. SHDC.
9. Correspondence.
10. Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £23.396.18. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable; British Legion – £200.00 {Donation} SLCC Subscriptions – £112.00. Cemetery grass & hedge-cutting – £600.00 Lengthsman Fees – £180.00. Income – £500.00 {Grant for Sustainable Ashprington}
11. Ashprington Village Hall Report
12. Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility
- Possible Maintenance Highways Grant Application.
- Ashprington Bus Shelter. {MR}
- Sustainable Ashprington Update {NP}
Next Meeting – Thursday December 1st, 2022 in Ashprington Village Hall @ 7.30pm.
Michael Read, Ashprington Clerk. Tel. 01803 732047