Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday 7 th June at 7.30pm in Ashprington Village Hall

Present: Cllr Phillips, Cllr.L.Stocks, Cllr Widdicombe{Chair}, Cllr Peters & Cllr Green
In attendance: Mr M.Read, Parish Clerk, Dist.Cllr J.Tucker ,Tree Warden Bob Bowles, P3 coordinator P.Macey and two members of the public

1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda

2. Apologies
Cllrs Evans and Parrotte. Cty Cllr J.Hawkins.

3. Police Report
No crime report received for May but no crime was reported.

4. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated May 3rd 2012 were duly signed and approved.

5. Matters Arising from the May meeting not on the agenda

6. P3 Footpath Report
No grant will be allocated to the Parish for 2012/2013. Lime Lane will shortly be strimmed.

7. Tree Warden Report
The tree warden present reported that two trees on the Coronation Plot {owned by
SHDC} were close to the telephone wires. Cllr Tucker agreed to follow up.

8. Planning
01/1000/12/TCA A.Harrison, Quay House, Tuckenhay. Shape three trees. No
objection. To proceed.
01/3214/11/F Maltsters Arms Extension and alterations. Conditional Approval.
01/3213/11/LB As above. Conditional Approval.
01/1161/12/TW M.Read. The Round House. Trim two branches of ash Tree. No objection.
01/1161/12/TW Long Frogmore. Crown raise Luccombe Oak. No objection.

9. Correspondence
Various correspondence put into circulation for the Councillors.

10. Finance
Bank Balances Treasures A/c £4730.42 P3 £406.49, Cemetery -£487.71
Accounts Authorised by the Council and Payable – None
Income Received: Legacy from the estate of the late Mr. J.Boyes – £500

11. Village Hall Report
The Summer Lunch fixed for June 23rd is now sold out.

12. Ash Meadow Report
The AGM was on May 22nd at 7.30pm in Ashprington Village Hall. The new Chair is Jackie Matthews, the Treasurer is Kathi Green and the Secretary Laurence Green. Jill Davies has joined the Committee. The compost area has been tidied up. The Play equipment has painted the playhouse is to be painted. The Beacon and BBQ was a great success and the fireworks enjoyed by all. The Accounts have been audited by Bob Tildesley. The grass has been cut twice and a working party will shortly cut the bracken.

13. District & County Councillors Report
Dartmouth Regatta Parking. Residents who have purchased an SHDC annual parking ticket, can use the Park and Ride at Dartmouth for free including the Regatta Week.

14. Other Business
14.1 Totnes Cluster Meeting At Rattery Village Hall May 10th
Cllr Stocks outlined the outcomes of the meeting which was discussed by the Council. It was agreed that a number of the Cllrs and Clerk would attend a further Council. It was agreed that a number of the Cllrs and Clerk would attend a further meeting at Dittisham on June 27th meeting at Dittisham on June 27th to hear more about Neighbourhood Planning with a view to agreeing a way forward. In addition, she outlined the purpose of Register a view to agreeing a way forward. In addition, she outlined the purpose of Register of Assets of Community Value and the workings of the TAP fund. The full text can be obtained from the Clerk.

14.2 Establishment of a Parish Website
No feedback good or bad has been received from the Parish on this proposal. It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr Evans would meet with the designer of the Rattery Village website and come back at the June meeting with a reccomendation as to proceed or not.
14.3 Legacy
Former village resident and clerk Mr John Boyes has left the Parish £500, with the money to be used for the upkeep of the Cemetery.

Other Business
Parking in Tuckenhay
Cllr Stocks reported that parishioners had expressed concerns about irresponsible parking in the Village, allegedly from visitors to the Maltsters Arms and the Watermans. The main concern was that customers were parking anywhere once the car parks were full and it may not be possible for emergency vehicles to get through. The Clerk was asked to write to the proprietors of both establishments, asking for their help in encouraging visitors to park sensibly.
Electric Bikes
David Markson of 3 Holly Villas, revealed that he has set up a group to use electric bikes. The bikes do not have to be purchased but insurance cover will be needed at ikes. The bikes do not have to be purchased but insurance cover will be needed at circa £50 per annum. He can supply more details.
Devon Oil Collective
The Coordinator for this scheme is Pam Macey – any interest in the scheme can be registered with Pam or by accessing their website.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be on July 5th, 2012. in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Mike Read, Parish Clerk. Email Tel. 01803 732047.

Click here to download the minutes of the meeting held on 06 June 2012 (PDF).

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