Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday May 9th, 2024 at 7.45 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.

Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr S. Paterson, Cllr. Thompson, Cllr Stocks, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr S. Greaves {Vice Chair} Cllr Green, District Cllr.J. McKay, County Cllr. J. Hawkins

Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. No members of the public.

1.Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.


  1. Apologies. M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P. Macey, P3 Co Ordinator.
  2. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated April 4th were approved.
  3. Matters arising from the meeting not on the agenda;

Highway Maintenance Community Fund.

It was agreed that the Council would apply for funding from this fund to maintain the verges of the parish’s roads. Cllrs Stocks and Thompson have toured the parish looking at areas which will need attention. Cllr Hawkins will attempt to utilise the

Neighbourhood Highways Officer after a list of “jobs” is supplied by Cllr Stocks and Cllr Thompson.

Commemorative Tree

A brass plaque has been purchased. The tree will be moved to Ash Meadow in the Autumn.

Parking above Ashprington Village Hall.

Once again there have been parking issues at the top of the village. A resident has complained that poorly parked vehicles are causing problems for residents at Hill Park due to poor parking near the Durant. The cones were seemingly “repositioned” by a parishioner and have now been returned to their normal position.

There was also an issue for a milk tanker trying to pass through the village. He could not do so due to a poorly parked vehicle and had to abort his journey.

The Clerk was requested to write to those believed to be offending.

It was resolved to reconsider whether more double yellow lines would help and at the next parish council meeting to invite views on the subject. The meeting will be at 7.15 pm. All parishioners are invited.

  1. P3 Report.

The P3 Co Ordinator requested funding to strim Crownley Woods which was supported by the Council and agreed that the mud removal at Lime Lane should be abandoned until the winter. There have been instances of dog walkers being chased by two large pigs on the path to Totnes vta Sharpham, which appear to be aggressive. Please take care. There is no decision yet on an application for a P3 grant from DCC.

6 County Councillor Report

Cllr Hawkins wondered whether the Council might be interested in the Road Warden Scheme. However although two villagers were trained as there was no insurance for the operatives, it was not pursued.

The debate over whether Torbay and Devon come together continues.

It was good to hear that DCC has been awarded £10m potholes and road maintenance funding.

District Cllr Report

Cllr McKay stated that it was hoped that the land formerly occupied by Carpenter Oak might be reused. SHDC are to appoint an Agri Food Officer. He is reviewing those planning properties held in “Enforcement”

7.Tree Warden Report

The Clerk was asked to contact Thelma Rumsey regarding the appointment of Alex Carter. He did so and it would seem that Mr Carter does not after all wish to be a Tree Warden, at this time. Defibrillator Supplies -£30.00 Income-

  1. Planning

0756/24/HHO Wild Rose Cottage. Reconfiguration of ground floor, single storey ground floor extension & conversion of detached garage to home office. Withdrawn.

1013/24/ARC . Coombe Park Approval of details. Part approved {conditions 17,18,19 Condition No 16 Not Acceptable.

1138/24/VAR Willow Barn. Variation of conditions 2 & 3 to planning consent 2039/18/FUL. Support

1421/24/TCA The Coach House. T1 Mature Pedunculate Oak- Significantly reduce crown leaving at a finishing height of 5 or 6 metres. G1 Group of bay stems Lateral reduction by   2/3 metres. Larger overhanging stems – Dismantle, fell and remove to x1 metre above bank level. Support.

  1. Correspondence

A parishioner has complained to the Council about conditions in Bow Hill and the lack of warnings to motorists. The Council considers that there is adequate signage and that the mud and stones disturbed, had been rectified by the Cllr. Rogers. He reiterated that landowners are responsible for the hedges that abut the hill.

Another letter has been  sent to DCC regarding some remedial work at the sides of the road from Bowden Pillars towards Ashprington. The Clerk has written to DCC Highways for a response.

  1. Finance

Treasurers Account -Balance £34,079.09. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. Expenditure approved –Stone Plaque – £47.80, Hedge trimming £84.00. Defibrillator Supplies -£33.60 Community Connectors Donation £100.00. Annual Insurance Premium -£492.58. Election Expenses, SHDC – £973.47.  Income-
Allotment Rent -£40.00. Ist Precept Payment – £7043.00. DCC Grant – £250.00.

  1. Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.

The Clerk reported that the Internal Audit was completed satisfactorily.

The Council approved the Annual Governance Statement followed by approval of the Accountancy Statement by the Council, by resolution.

The requisite forms will be posted on the website this month.

Cllr Rogers reported that a holly bush needed to be trimmed in Tuckenhay. Joe Todd has completed the work.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Next Council meeting will be on Thursday June 7th, 2024 at 7.15 for 7.30pm in the  Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk 732047

Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes May 2024

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