Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday January 6th 2022 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall
Present: Cllr Thompson {Vice Chair}, Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr L. Stocks and Cllr Stuart Greaves.
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk, District Cllr. J. McKay, County Cllr J. Hawkins and no members of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – None
- Apologies – Cllr. T. Green, Cllr K. Throgmorton, M. Pearey, Tree Warden. P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator.
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated December 2nd 2021 were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting December 2nd 2021 not on the agenda:
Speeding in Ashprington
The Council continue to explore options that might be practicable such as speedbumps, additional warnings signs, double yellow lines and in particular speed awareness weeks. The Chair has met meet with the Sharpham Trust to explore options at the top end of Ashprington. The Land Registry have confirmed that the road between St Mary’s and Church Close is not registered creating difficulties in establishing responsibility for maintaining this section of the road. The residents of Church Close have also received a letter from the Chair regarding repair of the road surface and enhanced signage. Ten responses have been received from residents. Further discussions are necessary to agree a way forward. Two contractors have supplied estimates for the work.
Ashprington Recycling
Cllr Greaves reported on the initiative organised by him and the Chair to empty all of the brown bins with the garden waste deposited for recycling at Ash Meadow. In the event, there were many volunteers young and old, including members of the Council on the 23rd and 24th of December. The Council has had very positive feedback from parishioners, many of whom donated funds to charity during the exercise, which is unlikely to be repeated pending the restarting of collection by SHDC hopefully in the spring. The only downside was some of the contents of some of the bins, which are listed below in a letter from the Chair.
The collections also highlighted that some parishioners might need a gentle reminder of what the brown coloured bins for green waste only should, or more importantly, should NOT contain, as we had to reject some due to the content. The brown bins are for compostable, light, green garden waste ONLY.
They are not for the following, which were found in various bins:
NO hard materials, such as clay plant pots, any sort of metal, logs, thick branches.
NO plastics /rubber material, dog / animal waste disposal bags. Cat litter disposal.
NO type of material or cushion stuffing or padding.
NO food substance whatsoever. Food encourages rats at the storage area.
NO cardboard /paper. There is a separate bin for this.
The reason for the restriction is because the green waste is shredded by the council (when they collect) and at Ash Meadow and then sieved. It is therefore important to ensure that the material in the brown bins does not damage or block the expensive machinery used for the processing.
We hope you appreciate the reminder – your assistance will assist the successful collection of green waste in the future.
- P3 Report
Pam Macey reported that the annual P3 returns will be completed soon and despatched to DCC.
- County Councillor/District Cllr Report
District Councillor
The ongoing issue of waste collection remains unresolved. A working group are assessing the situation and will report back to the full District Council in due course. SHDC remain concerned regarding the supply of affordable housing in the South Hams. The Council are considering building suitable houses perhaps via a Community Benefit Society. Sadness was expressed regarding the possible shutting down of Harris & Son, the hardware shop in Totnes.
County Councillor
Cllr Hawkins is pleased that work is finally planned to improve the road service on Bow Hill later this month. Cornwall are stepping up plans to avoid claims from holiday let owners. Our local MPs are to be lobbied for support as SHDC are considering similar action. Funding for the next financial year remains a concern.
7.Tree Warden Report
Mike Peary still has concerns about “tree owners” attempting work on trees with Ash Dieback. Great care needs to be taken due to the brittle nature of the diseased wood. The Clerk was asked to write to the owner of a fallen tree in the river at Tuckenhay asking for its removal as soon as possible.
- Planning
2604/21/FUL Perchwood Cottage. Subdivision of cottages to create two dwellings. Resubmission of 4027/20/FUL. Conditional Approval SHDC.
3528/21/FUL Higher Yetson Farm. Replacement of Agricultural barn with dwelling {previous permissions 1021/19/PDM and 3795/19/FUL.}. Support.
4695/21/LBC. Orchardleigh. LBC consent for alterations to first floor bathroom and to separate ground floor toilet from the utility room. Support.
- Correspondence
Nothing to report.
- Finance.
Treasurers Account -Balance £21086.36. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – Clerks Salary, October 1st to Dec. 31st – £761.90. Income Tax – £508.40. Parish Expenses – £165.49. Lengthsman’s Fees – £132.00. Cemetery Maintenance for 2021 – £600.00. Income – Nil.
- Ash Meadow Report
Report due February but see comments under item 4.
- Counciullors Areas of Responsibility/Other Business
The Clerk wished to remind councillors and parishioners that there are two planned road closures in the parish, in Tuckenhay and Bow Hill later in January. Details are posted on our website and notice boards.
Budget and Precept 2022/2023
A meeting was held of a sub-group on January 5th consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair and the Clerk to review the accounts for the current financial year ending 31st March 2022 and to consider expenditure for 2022/2023. Although the parish incurred an unplanned expense of £1500 to deal with Ash Dieback at Ash Meadow, a small surplus is likely to be made at the end of the financial year. After considering possible future spending, the sub-group decided to recommend that the precept be held at its current level of £10.186 meaning that a typical Band D tax payer would pay less than one pound a week for parish council services for the second year running. A vote was taken by the full council who unanimously voted to accept the recommendation.
The meeting closed at 9.03pm.
Next meeting will be on Thursday February 3rd 2022 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Mike Read, Ashprington Clerk spooks49@michaelread.plus.com. Tel. 01803 732047.
Download the original Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes January 2022[2504]