Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday January 4th, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr S. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Thompson, Cllr S. Greaves., County Cllr J. Hawkins,
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. No members of the public.
The Council was addressed by Stephen Grove on behalf of Bob the Bus. Stephen spoke about the existing services on Wednesdays and Fridays and asked whether anything could be done to encourage a greater uptake of the service. There are currently 35 volunteer drivers but more would be welcome. The organisation currently has three buses and is in decent financial health although a new bus is ordered for May delivery. There is also a thriving Travel Club and private hire option.
1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Rogers – Planning ApplicationLand at SX 805 583
- Apologies M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator, County Cllr J McKay.
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated December 7th were approved
- Matters arising from the meeting of December 7th, not on the agenda;
War Memorial
The War Memorial is to be uncovered as hopefully “curing” is now complete.
Lengthsman’s Output
There is ongoing concern about the costs of employing the Lengthsman due to the unseasonably wet weather causing remedial work to the drains and buddle holes. The Lengthsman has been requested not to do any more work unless advised to do so by Cllr Rogers. Cllr Rogers has resisted employing him over recent weeks due to the affect on the Council Budget and has been doing remedial work himself for which the Council is most grateful.
Clerks Salary
The Council gave consideration to the Clerk’s salary for the coming year and in his absence from the room, proposed an increase of £1 per hour in line with the recent award made to Local Council Clerks. The Council voted unanimously to award the increase.
Precept Setting for 2024/2025
The Chair, Clerk and Cllr. Thompson met on January 2nd to consider the level of precept need to be set for the next financial year and to review this year’s income and expenditure. Whilst this year the Parish is likely to produce a small surplus, it is the view of the “sub-committee” that the precept will need to be increased next year by 13.8% to £14,086, an increase of £1500. The Council faces a bill for the Parish Council Elections of over £1000 which will need to be paid in 2024/2025. It is thought prudent to budget for more maintenance next year {+£400} and an increase of £1 per hour on the Clerk’s salary. This would mean that an average Band D Council Taxpayer would pay £54.87 re annum or just over £1 per week to cover the Council’s costs. This compares to £49.03 for the current year. A vote was put to the whole Council who approved the recommendation.
- P3 Report.
A report was not received in time to be considered.
6.District and County Councillor Reports
District Cllr not present. Cllr Hawkins had nothing to report.
7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report. However an additional Tree Warden for the parish has been appointed by Thelma Rumsey and will take office soon.
- Planning
3731/23/FUL Land at SX 805 583. Livestock Building and engineering works. Support {Cllr Rogers left the room}
2850/23/LBC Bow Bridge House. Replacement windows. Permission Granted SHDC.
4053/23/ARC Steps Cottage. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions. Support
4096/23/TCA Tuckenhay House. Remove Ash Tree affected by Ash Dieback. Support.
3163/23/FUL The Old Schoolhouse. Conversion of dilapidated barn into games room – Permission Granted SHDC.
27873/23/HHO 10 Orchard Terrace. Rear extension & Pitch roof to front porch. Conditional Approval SHDC.
- Correspondence
Nothing to report.
- Finance.
Treasurers Account – Balance £27,970.95 [to 30th/11/2023} Cemetery Account -£353.84 P3 Account – £487.71. Quarterly Clerks salary £883.80, Income Tax Thereon -££589.20. Parish Expenses – £164.76. Income – Nil
11.Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
Basic Principles of Engaging a Supplier/Contractor
Cllrs Throgmorton and Greaves have drawn up a form which will assist with the engagement of contractors/suppliers which was presented for scrutiny in its first draft form.
Cllr Paterson will be reviewing the content and presentation of our website.
Dart Harbour Group
Cllr Thompson was unable to attend the last meeting but will forward the minutes prior to our next meeting.The meeting closed at 8.45pm
Next Council meeting will be on Thursday February 7th, 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Tel.0180373204
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes january 2024