Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday January 5th, 2022 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr L. Stocks. Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr S. Greaves, Cllr.Thompson {Vice Chair}.
Also present: County Cllr J. Hawkins, District Cllr McKay, Michael Read, Clerk. One member of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Cllr Thompson – CAB Request for funding support.
- Apologies. Cllr T. Green, Cllr K. Throgmorton, M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated December 1st, were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting of December 1st, 2022, not on the agenda;
Highways Grant.
A grant application has been made to DCC Highways by Cllrs Thompson and Stocks, towards the cost of repairing the War Memorial. A decision is awaited.
2023/2024 Precept Process
The Chair, Vice Chair and the Clerk met to assess the level of precept required for the next financial year. Last year the precept was held at the level of the previous year, but for the coming year, it was proposed that the precept be increased to £12.586, an increase of £2.400. The Council thinks it prudent to allocate funds towards the repair of the War Memorial, a capital sum towards the eventual replacement of the defibrillators and a small increase in the hourly pay of the Clerk. The Council receives a small amount of the Council Tax payable by parishioners and the increase will mean an extra Band D resident will pay an increase of around 19 pence a week or approximately £10 per annum. The Council unanimously voted in favour of the proposal although any increase in the tax is regrettable.
Clerks Annual Salary Review
It was agreed that the Clerks Salary, should be increased by the sum recommended by the National Government Association in November 2022 with effect from January 1st 2023.
War Memorial
Cllr Greaves gave an update on progress regarding raising funding for the repair of the War Memorial which it is expected will cost over £5000.00. £1000 has been received from DCC via Cllr McKay and £750 by DCC via Cllr Hawkins. Ian Bentlett has also secured funding of £200.00 from Rotary now received, for which the Council is very grateful.
Further grant aid will be applied for in particular from the War Memorials Trust. A written Report is awaited from a Quantity Surveyor, to progress the application process. The process to digitalise the stored information is under way.
The handover of the accounts to the Council will be effected for April 1st. Cllr Stocks will continue as an active member of the group.
Resurfacing of Road/Footpath/Cycle way, Sharpham gates to St Davids Church
The Clerk reported that the work is scheduled to take place in January. Cllr Paterson is investigating if Sustrans might improve signage in the area.
Ashprington Brown Bin Collection.
Cllr Greaves reported that a group of volunteers from the parish are to arrange for a “final” brown bin collection on Saturday January 21st. Parishioners may if they choose to donate to the charity “Make A Wish Foundation” The collection for Cornworthy residents was successful and a letter of thanks plus a £50 donation for the charity, was received from Cllr Kirkland at Cornworthy PC.
- P3 Report.
A report was not available.
6.District and County Councillor Reports
District Councillor
Cllr McKay reported that SHDC had made a successful bid for £1m from the Shared Responsibility fund – the funds will be invested in areas such as travel, farming and de-carbonisation projects.
The SHDC Budget will be set by March 13th.
The Community Shop Project at Harbertonford is nearing completion.
County Councillor Report
Cllr Hawkins reported that SHDC were going through a most difficult period with regard to setting next year’s budget.
7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report this month.
- Planning
4092/22/ARC Steps Cottage. Approval of Details reserved by condition 10 of planning consent 4529/21/LBC. Discharge approved SHDC.
3299/22/ARC Hill Quay. Discharge of details reserved by condition 4 of planning consent. Discharge approved SHDC.
3820/21/HHO & LBC Consent. Discharge approved SHDC.
4254/22/HHO Coombe House Application for repair and refurbishment. Support.
3607/22/FUL Steps Cottage. Application for proposed Boat Store. Support.
- Correspondence
A letter of thanks for a donation was received from the Citizens Advice Bureau.
A request for financial support was received from South Hams CVS – the PC voted not to make a donation.
- Finance.
Treasurers Account -Balance £23087.22 {to 30th Nov.}. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – Clerks Salary Oct 1st to December 31st £823.80. Income Tax Thereon – £549.20. Parish Expenses Q4 – £176.99. Income – P3 Grant {was due April 2022} – £150.00.
- Councillors Areas of Responsibility/Other Business
SHDC are to start actively promoting the garden waste collection bin service which starts on March 6th. Annual cost is £49 for a fortnightly collection.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm. Next Council meeting will be on Thursday February 2nd, 2023 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes January 2023