Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday February 1st, 2024 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr S. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Thompson, Cllr S. Greaves, Cllr Stocks and Cllr Green, County Cllr J. Hawkins,
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. Two members of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.
Cllr Paterson, Planning App 3179/23/HHO and Planning App 4026/23/LBC
- Apologies. M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator, District Cllr J. McKay,
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated January 4th were approved.
- Matters arising from the meeting of January 4th, not on the agenda;
Letter Regarding Parking/Driving in the Village
A letter of concern has been received by the Clerk, concerning parking/driving in the upper part of the village, a fact recognised by the Council. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Church, Village Hall and the Durant Arms requesting that notices be placed requesting care and consideration when parking in the village.
Gritter Access through the Village.
A further letter has been received from DCC complaining that the Gritting Vehicle operated by DCC has struggled to pass through the village due to vehicles being inconsiderately parked. This was despite a flyer being distributed in the area and cones placed to discourage parking at pinch points. Parishioners are requested to park carefully and responsibly – a gritter/fire engine needs a gap of at least 3 metres to pass through. If the gritter is unable to traverse through the village it is likely that the service will be stopped DCC have stated.
DCC Response to Ashprington Parish Council letter regarding Bow Hill
The Chair wrote to DCC Highways indicating a lack of maintenance of Bow Hill rendering it potentially dangerous and stating that the Parish Council accepts no responsibility or liability caused by the conditions of Bow Hill. DCC have written in reply agreeing that they are responsible for the local highway network in Devon but that funding is an issue for the County which must prioritise its main routes.
- P3 Report.
A report was not received.
- District and County Councillor Reports
District Cllr not present. Cllr Hawkins remarked upon a proposed devolution deal between Devon CC and Torbay which would involve an investment of £16.5million into the combined organisation.
7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report
- Planning
4063/23/ARC Steps Cottage Application for approval of details reserved by conditions. Objection.
4026/23/LBC 1 Frogmore Farm. Listed Building Consent for reinstatement of field gateway. Support.
3179/23/HHO Myrtle Cottage. Householder Application for replacement of shed roof. No decision.
3880/23/PHH Dart Vale Trout Farm. Application for proposed addition of single storey to Bungalow. Prior Approval Given.
2783/23/HHO 10 Orchard Terrace. Application for single storey extension and pitched roof. Approved SHDC
0200/24/TPO Askew Cottage. T1 Beech crown lift, T2 Fig sectional dismantle, T3 oak. Support.
- Correspondence
A letter was received from SHDC regarding “Composting Pilots” grants for South Hams parishes. Ian Bentlett is already involved on behalf of Ashprington.
A letter was received from a parishioner claiming difficulty with access for contractors vehicles to Lime Lane. The Chair pointed out that he had been advised that the owner of the offending tree had been served notice by DCC that it must be cut within seven days.
- Finance
Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £26,097.25. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. Expenditure approved -Defibrillator – £8.99 & £15.22 Income – Nil.
- Ash Meadow Report
Ash Meadow site
General maintenance is proceeding, but limited in the winter months to general tidying. Thanks to all volunteers who have attended. The storms bought down a tree which has been sawn up and removed by one of our volunteers. However some fencing and posts have been damaged and will need to be repaired at a cost yet to be identified CIC reporting requirements have been met with no issues raised The £500 donation from the Tractor Fest committee will be received shortly. The Tractor Fest is to be run again on the meadow by the same committee as last year. We anticipate an even more successful event this year with more entries and more entertainment for our community. The plea for someone to run the annual sports day has resulted in Katherine Weare offering to undertake the role which is much appreciated. Details will follow.
Composting area
The chair is continuing to investigate opportunities for obtaining funding from SHDC to improve and repair the composting site. The following will be part of the application although we do have £6500 available should funding not be successful. Courtesy of Robert we now have a quote of £1500 + VAT to reinforce the green waste dumping area with concrete panels and supporting beams This was suggested by SHDC operatives as beneficial and will replace the damaged fencing which has occurred when green waste is shredded. The old storage container is leaking due to a rusted roof and becoming unfit for purpose. We are investigating replacement options with a 20 foot container which would provide a much improved storage space and facility. Cost however has yet to be investigated but may be circa £3K to £4K. Both cost options will be shortly be put the committee for agreement.
Locking up pilot
The locking of the site during the week has continued with no real issues and it is clear that, certainly in the winter months, much of the green waste is deposited by local contractors using the site for clearance of our parishioners gardens. We must only assume that the contractors and residents ensure that the ability not to use expensive council sites benefits our own residents financially.
- Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
Defibrillator Support Group meeting 16 January 2014
There was a good attendance at the meeting on 16th January so the change of day for meetings looks promising. Clarification was sought from the CHT as to who owned the telephone kiosk in Ashprington. CHT confirmed that they own the kiosk but would be very happy to pass ownership to the Parish Council. The group agreed to consider this at a later date. There have been a few issues with defibrillator provision in Ashprington. The heater in the cabinet that holds the defibrillator is not working and needs to be replaced. The emergency telephone is not working and is in the process of being repaired. A joint Cardiac Arrest Training session with Cornworthy Parish is being explored. Further details are to be confirmed. There is to be a quiz night in aid of the Ashprington and Tuckenhay defibrillator Appeal on 29th February in the Durant Arms starting at 7.30pm. Posters giving full details have been displayed around the village. Entry will be £5 per head for teams of 4-6. There will be a raffle and a meat/veg chilli available at extra cost. The drive for more VETS is going well but if anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer please contact paperwork was previously held by Nick Mallalieu as Chair. As the Parish Council has taken over financial responsibility it was suggested that the Parish Council now looks after the records. The next meeting will be on 12th March, venue tbc.
Thermal Imaging Camera Loan
It would be possible to loan a camera from SHDC. However, Cllr Hawkins suggested that his parish camera, Kingswear, could be borrowed with fewer restrictions on usage. Cllr Stocks will liaise with Kingswear PC.
Dog Mess
Reported to a growing issue in Ashprington as reported by Cllr. Greaves. Parishioners are requested please to pick up any mess left in the village.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Next Council meeting will be on Thursday March 7th, 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk 732047
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes February 2024