Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday December 2nd 2021 at 7.30pm held at Ashprington Village Hall

Present: Cllr Thompson {Vice Chair}, Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr N. Paterson, Cllr. T. Green, Cllr L. Stocks, Cllr. S. Greaves.

Also present: Michael Read, Clerk, District Cllr. J. McKay, County Cllr J. Hawkins, two members of the public.

The Chair welcomed Cllr Greaves to his first meeting as an Ashprington Parish Councillor.

  1. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – None.
  2. Apologies – M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co-ordinator.
  3. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated November 4th, were approved and signed.
  4. Matters arising from the meeting of November 4th, 2021 not on the agenda:

Speeding in Ashprington

Cllrs Thompson and Stocks reported back on their meeting with PCSO Russell Broadhurst. They have additionally spoken to neighbouring parishes and DCC Highways. The Council continue to explore options that might be practicable such as speedbumps, additional warnings signs, double yellow lines and in particular speed awareness weeks. The councillors will also meet with the Sharpham Trust to explore options at the top end of Ashprington. The Land Registry have confirmed that the road between St Mary’s and Church Close is not registered creating difficulties in establishing responsibility for maintaining this section of the road.

Queens Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022

The Clerk reported that no one had volunteered to “manage” the celebrations across the various groups in the parish, but Kathi and Laurence Green, on behalf of Ashprington WI and Ashprington Parochial Church Council, have agreed to organise a celebration for the Jubilee. Cllr. Stocks who as a councillor and Ashprington Village Hall Committee member, will collaborate on behalf of those two parties. Advertising of the events will happen via the Parish Magazine, website and posters.

Ashprington Recycling

The Council voted on a proposal by Cllr Greaves, that the Council would organise and resource a parish wide emptying of brown, green waste recycling bins in December. Brown Bins will be emptied on to a trailer and deposited at the Ash Meadow Compost Site and thereby recycled. This will be a voluntary “one-off” process. Parishioners will be requested to leave out their brown bins on a notified date should they wish to take advantage of this offer.

5. P3 Report

Pam Macey reported that a work party of National Trust and parishioners took place on November 13th and a new path and steps were almost completed. Parishioners are invited to a further work party on December 11th. The owner of the permissive footpath intends to restore the footbridge and steps heading for the woods.

6. County Councillor/District Cllr Report

The Budget process is now underway and setting that budget for 2022/23 is proving to be the most difficult yet. The Council hope to receive more allocated funds as the budget should not increase by more than 3%. The Highways budget, this time for 3 years, has been cut yet again. The Council are lobbying Central Government  regarding the taxation loophole for second homes/small business issue. Housing supply remains a major concern.

District Councillor

Recycling/Waste – The problems remain unresolved and there are still issues. SHDC are very unhappy about progress to restore a “normal” service. On a more positive note, biodiversity progress is encouraging. More affordable housing is urgently needed. There have been developments with the shop and post office at Harbertonford which is likely to move forward as a Community Shop early next year.

7. Tree Warden Report

Two diseased Ash Trees need to be felled in Tuckenhay near Orchard Terrace. As things stand, a contractor should attend to the trees in January.

8. Planning

3042/21/LBC Quay Cottage, Tuckenhay. G. Roache. LBC Consent for replacement window frame. Conditional Approval SHDC.

Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 1,2 &,3 for Application 4321/21/ARC.

3173/21/FUL to 3176/21/FUL Ashprington Court. N & N Widdicombe. Provision of various agricultural buildings. Conditional Approval SHDC.

3820/31/HHO Hill Quay. Householder Application for replacement extension, replacement veranda & associated works. Support.

3552/21/HHO & 3522/21/LBC. 4 Frogmore Farm. Householder application for single storey extension including replacement of glazing & internal alterations. Support.

1448/21/ARC Dart Vale Trout Farm. Approval of Details Reserved Conditions {discharge}. Discharge of Conditions approved SHDC.

9. Correspondence


A letter of thanks has been received from the Citizens Advice Bureau for the council donation of £200.00 in November last.

Housing Crisis

A letter of concern has been received from SHDC about the lack of Affordable Housing in Devon, a concern shared by the Parish Council.

Draft Proposed SHDC Grounds Maintenance Layer

Cllr Paterson led a discussion on the draft document received from SHDC on the proposal to improve biodiversity and wildlife value on council owned land. The Council are broadly supportive and Cllr Paterson will respond accordingly on behalf of the Council.

10. Finance

Treasurers Account -Balance £21.165.02. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. A/cs Approved and Payable – Swift Project – £78.66. ACB Office Services – £12.41. Income – Cemetery Fees – £637.00.

11. Ash Meadow Report

No report.

12. Councillors’ Areas of Responsibility / Other Business

Harbour Group Committee Meeting

Cllr Thompson indicated that there was a meeting on November 16th. She will report back on AONB in due course.

Snow Warden

Cllr Throgmorton stated that the council has sufficient grit and the grit bins are well stocked. Parishioners are reminded to park appropriately in the parish to allow the gritter lorries to pass through the parish. Gritting has restarted and no issues have been reported.


Cllr Paterson reported that 1000 hedge plants are to be planted by Mike Pearey – 600 are already in the ground.


The Chair reported that the verges between Ashprington and Bow Bridge had been cleared of leaves and branches.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Next meeting will be on Thursday January 6th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Mike Read, Ashprington Clerk spooks49@michaelread.plus.com. Tel. 01803 732047.

Download the original Microsoft Word document here: PC Minutes December 2021

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