Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday December 7th, 2023 at 7.30 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr L. Stocks, Cllr S. Paterson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Thompson, Cllr T. Green, Cllr S. Greaves., District, Cllr J. McKay
Also present: Michael Read, Clerk. Two members of the public.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Thompson, Planning Application 10 Orchard Terrace.
- Apologies M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator, County Cllr J. Hawkins.
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated November 2nd were approved
- Matters arising from the meeting of November 2nd, not on the agenda;
War Memorial
The War Memorial has now been covered with hessian to allow the curing process to continue. A quote for further work will be delayed until the spring.
Purchase and wording of Commemorative Coronation Plaque
There is an ongoing debate as to where the plaque and tree should be located. Consideration is being given to siting the tree and plaque in Ash Meadow or the Coronation plot in Tuckenhay, which is the most likely option subject to space. The tree and plaque need to be moved from the Village Hall due to the presence of underground electric cables. Cllr Stocks will discuss with a parishioner when to move the tree as soon as practicable.
Lengthsman’s Output
There is ongoing concern about the costs of employing the Lengthsman due to the unseasonably wet weather causing remedial work to the drains and buddle holes. The Lenghtsman has been requested not to do any more work unless explicitly advised to do so by Cllr Rogers. There followed a discussion how best to fund required works with a particular eye on the future.
- P3 Report.
Pam Macey reported that a parishioner suggested that mud be removed from the top of Lime Lane. She is in discussion with a contractor to ascertain the best way forward.
6.District and County Councillor Reports
County Cllr not present. Cllr McKay stated that SHDC were working on a number of initiatives to improve the lot of South Hams residents.
SHDC are talking to Housing Associations to try and jointly kick start more affordable housing starts. A meeting on Community Investments Project was successfully held at Follaton House. A report on the effects of Climate Change has been produced for Devon. South Brent Forest Community Land has been purchased in South Brent.
7.Tree Warden Report
Nothing to report.
- Planning
2828/23/CLP N. Howes. Dart Vale Fish Farm. Certificate of Lawfulness. Certified SHDC
3731/23/FUL Land at SX 805 583. Livestock Building and engineering works. Withdrawn.
3799/23/HHO Land at SX 809563. Application for two storey extension and other works. Postponed due to lack of information. To be considered January.
3477/23/TCA 7 Holly Villas. Remove – dead. No Objection SHDC
2783/23/HHO 10 Orchard Terrace, Tuckenhay. Extension and pitch roof to porch. Conditional Approval SHDC. Support.
3880/23/PHH N. Howes, Dart Vale Trout Farm. Addition of single storey Bungalow. Support.
- Correspondence
An email was received by the Clerk complaining about the condition of an adjacent property and the fact that he had been requested by SHDC to cut back his hedge. The letter was dealt with by the Clerk and then forwarded to the councillors, at their request.
A letter was received from South Hams Community Action detailing the services they deliver and requesting a donation. It was resolved not to donate there being no available budget.
- Finance.
Treasurers Account -Balance £27.970.95. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. Purchase of Traffic Cones – £78.89. Rent of Ash Meadow, Sharpham – £68.30 Income – Donation for War Memorial – £500.00. Via Tractorfest. Donation for War Memorial – £1000.00.
- .Ash Meadow Report
At 15th November quarterly meeting of committee the following headlines were covered. Stuart Greaves and Robert Rogers were formally accepted as new Directors of the CIC. The formal reporting requirements of the CIC have been met. The accounts are very sound with good emergency reserves. Need now to find funding to replace the aged climbing frame. We have £6000 we need circa £20 k in total. New slide and swing are proving popular at cost of £5k.
A feasibility study is being conducted to research how we might reintroduce the bonfire night celebrations next year. The popular annual sports day needs a volunteer to organsise and run the event. Any volunteers? Pleased to be hosting next years tractor fest on 20th July. This years donation was much appreciated. The chair is continuing to investigate opportunities for obtaining funding from SHDC to improve and repair the composting site circa £10 K needed. Feedback on the pilot locking of the site during the week proved positive and has allowed a much better understanding on site usage. Unanimous decision made to continue.
- Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility
Village Fete
Cllr Greaves suggested that the parish might want to consider holding a fete once again in 2024. Council members were interested although dates could be problematical due to the Tractorfest, Sportsday and VE Day celebrations next summer. Nevertheless, August might be possible.
Defibrillator Group
A meeting has recently been convened and there was a good turnout. Nick Mallalieu stood down as Chair and was warmly thanked for all of his hard work. He will stay on the Committee looking after the VETS set up. Sophie Paterson agreed to take over as chair. The Committee meet again in January and will hold a fund- raising quiz on Feb 29th.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.
Next Council meeting will be on Thursday January 4th, 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Michael Read Ashprington Clerk Tel. 01803 732047.
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes December 2023