C/o Mike Read, The Round House, 6 Frogmore Farm, Ashprington, Totnes Tel: 01803
732047 Email:

To members of the Council – You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Ashprington
Parish Council in the Village Hall on Thursday December 7th, 2023 at 7.30 pm for the
purpose of transacting the following business. Michael Read- Clerk to the Council.


December 6th, 2023.

1 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.

2 Apologies.

3 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of November 2nd, 2023.

4 Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda;
* War Memorial {RR/MR/All}
* Commemorative Plaque {LS}
* Lengthsmans output. {RR}

5 P3 Report.

6 District & County Councillors Report.

7 Tree Warden Report

8 Planning
2828/23/CLP N. Howes. Dart Vale Fish Farm. Certificate of Lawfulness. Certified SHDC.
3731/23/FUL Land at Sx 805 583. Livestock Building and engineering works. Withdrawn.
3799/23/HHO Land at SX 809563. Application for two storey extension and otherworks.
3477/23/TCA 7 Holly Villas. Remove – dead. No Objection SHDC
2783/23/HHO 10 Orchard Terrace, Tuckenhay. Extension and pitch roof to porch. Conditional Approval SHDC.
3880/23/PHH N. Howes, Dart Vale Trout Farm. Addition of single storey Bungalow.

9 Correspondence.
* Lime Lane {MR/RR/SP}

10 Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £27970.95. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Account – £487.71. Purchase of Traffic Cones – £78.89. Rent of Ash Meadow, Sharpham – £68.30
Income – Donation for War Memorial – £500.00. Via Tractorfest. Donation for War Memorial – £1000.00.

11. Ash Meadow Report

12. Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
* Village Fete. {SG/All}

Next Meeting – Thursday January 4th, 2024, Ashprington Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Michael Read, Ashprington Clerk. Tel. 01803 732047

PC Agenda December 2023

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