Ashprington Parish Council is considering declaring a Climate and Ecological Emergency, in line with declarations made both by Parliament and by increasing numbers of Councils across the UK at all levels. Initially such a declaration simply provides the impetus for the parish to organise around this theme, seek volunteers to take it forward, discuss what goals to aim for, and to work with other like-minded parishes, such as the Dittisham Sustainability Group, in developing activities to support those goals.

For example, the most common stated strategic aim by Councils to date is “to be carbon neutral by 2030”. Ashprington has already in place a number of initiatives to help reduce climate and ecological damage, such as the Ash Meadow composting scheme, new noticeboards and benches made of recycled plastics, cessation of spraying glyphosate on road verges, glass bottle recycling at The Watermans Arms and a Lengthsman to improve road and drainage sustainability. Across the Parish the ethos at Sharpham, the W.I. jumble events, the conscious efforts of many parishioners to reduce single-use plastics, and those who use a washing line instead of their tumble dryer all helps.

The Parish Councillors support this idea of a declaration, but it was felt appropriate to give parishioners a chance to discuss it first, and give feedback to the Parish Council. Comments may be emailed to or, and parishioners are encouraged to attend the next Parish Council Meeting at 7.30 p.m. on 7 November to join a discussion.

Many thanks to all those who are already on this vital climate and ecological journey.

Mike Pearey & Emma Cahill
Ashprington Parish Councillors
20 Nov 2019

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