There are 2 Defibrillators (AEDs) within Ashprington and Tuckenhay.

The one in Ashprington is located in the red telephone box in the centre of the village, next to the bus stop. The one in Tuckenhay is located on the outside wall of the Malsters Arms pub.

DefribAn automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable unit, designed for people with no medical knowledge, which can administer a measured electrical shock to a heart attack victim in order to re-establish a steady heart rhythm.

Standard CPR (the traditional ‘first-aid’ approach) on a heart attack victim provides a 5% chance of survival, but access to a defibrillator improves that to a 50% chance.

If someone has had a heart attack, or is found breathing erratically for no reason, the most important thing to do is call 999 and start CPR.

The operator on the end of the phone will then direct you to your nearest public access defibrillator. If possible you can send someone to collect this for you, and then follow the instructions from the operator and follow the automated instructions inside the pack. Do not worry about this, It is very clear and simple to use.

Our Parish has the VETS scheme in motion. This stands for Volunteer Emergency Telephone System, and is a system set up for rural and remote communities where people may live on their own, or find themselves in need of help having had a cardiac arrest. If you find yourself in this situation always call 999 first and then call 01803 500535 which is our VETS number, this subsequently calls 10 local volunteers and someone who is available will then come to assist. bringing with them the local defibrillator and will help to resuscitate the casualty before the ambulance arrives. Only call the VETS number AFTER calling 999.

The VETS telephone number for our community is 01803 500535.

Every member of the Parish should have a magnet with these details on, but we recommend you keep this number somewhere convenient near your phone. If you have any questions about the AED systems or the VETs scheme please email

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