Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on Thursday May 11th, 2023 at 7.45 pm held in Ashprington Village Hall.
Present; Cllr Rogers {Chair}, Cllr S. Greaves, {Vice Chair}, Cllr.Thompson, Cllr K. Throgmorton, Cllr. Stocks, Cllr T. Green, Cllr S.Paterson.
Also present: County Cllr J. Hawkins, District Cllr McKay Michael Read, Clerk, Four members of the public.
Cllr Roger congratulated Cllr. Sophie Paterson on her appointment to the Council.
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda. Correspondence {Cllr Paterson} Planning {Cllr Rogers} {1385/23/FUL}
- Apologies M. Pearey, Tree Warden, P Macey, P3 Co Ordinator
- The minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated April 6th, were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the meeting of April 6th, not on the agenda;
War Memorial
The Clerk indicated that one of the possible contractors to complete the repairs could not now do so in 2023.
Double Yellow Lines Placement.
Cllr Stocks pointed out that the placement of the lines, now marked on the road surface was not as applied for by the Council being longer and more extensive. DCC Highways claim that the line needs to be longer so as to create more room for the gritter to pass through pinch points in the village. Cllr Hawkins agreed to challenge this ruling with Highways and report back.
Coronation of King Charles May 2023
It was agreed that the three days of events were successful despite some inclement weather. A tree has been planted to recognize the event and thanks go to Nigel Paterson for his work in sourcing the tree. The Roast Lunch was sold out and a great success thanks in large part to Ali Soper and her team of helpers. Sing for the King was much appreciated by those present and thanks go to David Davies for his work in putting the event together. Thanks also go to Ian Bentlett for the events on Ash Meadow which went ahead despite the weather. The commemorative pens have now mostly been distributed and appreciated by children of the parish. Finally, a big thank you to Kathi Green for her organizational skills and for producing an attractive program leaflet.
Up the Creek event
A written request has been received from the organizers to part fund the event on the quay near the Maltsters Arms. Cllr McKay has also received a request and is giving it due consideration. For its part, the Parish Council has not allocated any funding and feels concerned that a request to co fund might become a regular event. Whilst it wishes the event well, it does not want a regular commitment. Cllr Thompson agreed to talk to the organizers to explain our position.
- P3 Report.
Ski Harrison has arranged an event to celebrate the opening of a new gate to Crownley Woods, planned for Saturday June 24th. However, paths are becoming overgrown and some funding needs to be allocated for strimming.
6.District and County Councillor Reports
District Councillor
Cllr McKay reported that he was pleased to have been reelected as District Councillor for the ward. Disappointed that the problems on the A381 were not resolved. Diversions and signage left a lot to be desired.
County Councillor Report
Cllr Hawkins stated that he too regretted the problems on the A381, due to a collapsed culvert. 24-hour remedial work could not be done due to the proximity of private housing. He congratulated Cllr McKay on his reelection.
7.Tree Warden Report
The new “Tree Warden Response” process to planning Applications for tree works was outlined. The Clerk has agreed to write to the tree office confirming which warden is covering which area.
- Planning
0677/23/TCA Rosewood Ashprington – Fell 1 Cherry Laurel. No objection SHDC.
1062/23/TCA Springbank House. T1 Oak Tree – Fell. Approved SHDC.
1281/23/TCA 7 Holly Villas. Field Maple Crown and Lift.
1385/23/FUL Land at Sx 807 578. Erection of Agricultural Building. Support with reservation regarding soakaway.
- Correspondence
A small group of parishioners wrote to the council expressing their concern regarding tree works completed on the north and southern sides of the lane. The persons responsible were contacted by the clerk and provided a detailed response. They claim that all procedures were followed and permissions sought and granted by SHDC which were checked by this Council. The Enforcement Team were contacted and were not concerned about the nature of the work. Cllr Green acting as Tree Warden, shared the disquiet of the group as a great deal of work was completed. The Parish Council have responded in writing to the group stressing that this is a civil matter and all avenues were pursued.
- Finance.
Finance. Treasurers Account -Balance £28,688.54. Cemetery Account – £353.84, P3 Insurance Premium} Income – First Precept Payment – £6293.00. Allotment Rental – £40.00. Cemetery Hedge Cutting – £72.00. BHIB {Insurance Premium} – £378.25. Commemorative Plaque – £9.59.
- Other Business/Councillors Areas of Responsibility.
Defibrillator Training
Cllr Stocks reported that a refresher course will be held in the Village Hall on June 28th.
Mobile Library Service
The future of the Mobile Service is under review on cost grounds. The Councillors feel that given the lack of public transport, its vital to retain the service. The Clerk and Cllr Paterson, will respond to the Review.
Information Board on Coronation Plot, Tuckenhay.
The condition of the map on the board is deteriorating. Enquiries will be made to see whether there is a second copy or whether the existing board can be preserved.
Creation of Small Car Parking Area near Point Field, Duncannon Lane
Sharpham Trust queried whether the Parish would object to a small gravelled parking area be created next to Point Field. There was no objection.
- The Annual Internal Audit Report was received and noted. The Annual Governance Statement {which had been circulated by the Clerk} was approved by the Council. The Accounting Statements {Section 2} were approved by the Council. The Certificate of Exemption was approved. The commencement date for exercise of public rights was set.
Next Meeting – Thursday June 1st, 2023 in Ashprington Village Hall @ 7.30pm..
The meeting closed at 9.06pm.
Michael Read, Ashprington Clerk. Tel. 01803 732047
Download the meeting minutes in Microsoft Word format here: PC Minutes May 2023